General Discussion

General DiscussionIs storm aghas a viable item at all?

Is storm aghas a viable item at all? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Just saw it used in a game, game was already won so it didnt have much impact but still I think people might underestimate it a bit? I think it might make storm good against push lineups (zip from base pull all under T3?) or against teamfight lineups? (aoe SK stun?). Just theory crafting, any opinions?


      better waste those 4,2k gold on another lux item . agha didnt actually worth it IMO

      Low Expectations

        bumping for real answers

        ASSESS Product

          Its not worth


            from the gold perspective? not worth it. that half a skadi. and half a blood thorn

            but depends on your teammates, are there is teammates that have big skills to exploit that agh? if yes then go.

            storm + ember i think is good, with low cooldown mini blackhole, and fleight of fist it's good




                zip from base pull all under T3?

                u need vision for them

                so for 4.2k gold you have magnus ult that doesnt work on units in fog of war and invis and doesnt go through bkb
                idk i dont really like it, whenever you think about buying agh you can always think of an item that would be more useful

                nice upgrade from alch but thats it


                  If you have magnus / enigma in team, (and an other carry) then it's probably usefull to go it at some point in the game as you'll be able to constantly get a 3-4 man ulty


                    It can be useful if the enemy team has multiple Linkens but there is no way that you will get it as a 1st, 2nd or even 3rd item


                      Very situational item not something u would want to get early or even mid in the game unless alch buys one for u



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