General Discussion

General Discussionmy diary of sucking dicks with terrorblade

my diary of sucking dicks with terrorblade in General Discussion
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      asking ur teammate to pick veng might help



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            solo against omni, trilane mid

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              why do ur SPOJENCI have so many URMTI?

              yung griphook

                looks like fun, might try


                  noone wanted to win

                  cont tomorrow

                  Final Boss

                    didnt you just say yesterday that you rekt with him in your first game xD.



                      Final Boss

                        you need to play some unranked games with him first, instead of going to ranked directly so you dont lose mmr.

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                          i dont give a shit about mmr
                          you cant practice in normal mm

                          NightShade [PMA]
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                              haha normal skill

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                don't worry arin almost every time I really try to learn a hero(spam, lobby testing, info search) i get a streak of unwinnable or just rly hard games and my wr is usually ~40% or less in the first 10 games, even tho i am playing better than the average <10-games-with-the-hero player because i do actual research

                                this happened with my sf
                                with my tb
                                with my storm back in 6.84
                                with my ember

                                who the fuck knows how many other heroes i just don't remember

                                actually i am in a real mood to spam ck tomorrow and i predict like 3 losses in a row u may screen that
                                i'd be happy to be wrong this time tho

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                                  even tho i am playing better than the average <10-games-with-the-hero player because i do actual research

                                  same here, it's not like i'm playing the hero for the first time and messing up, it's more like looking for a correct way to play the hero
                                  i watched a few tb >6k replays of my friend but i can't really see what am i doing wrong so i'll just keep playing

                                  and who cares about mmr? if i'll be good, i'll get up again fairly easily. why would i have to worry about some meaningless points when the scrublords in my team whom i'll probably never meet again are flaming me for making their virtual number lower
                                  instead i can play against people of my level (= not nmm which is full of casual griefers and people who dont care about the game) and learn the hero

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                                    im just trying to test the limits and see what works and what doesnt work
                                    for example what i was doing was jungling with hero and going to lane with illusions, but i ended up starving on xp, i underestimated meta a lot, i saved meta for too long (for big fights) and ended up doing nothing, etc etc

                                    im erasing these mistakes every game, like now i go jungle around 60s meta cd, return to base around 20-10, tp on lane just as meta gets up or even a little sooner etc

                                    people like to save their burst for sunder so now i pay more attention to enemy nukes/disables or i use it a bit sooner than i would if theres a possibility to get stunlocked

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                                      im quite confused with skill build though
                                      i dont understand how to distribute skill points between metamorphosis and illusions

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        why are u confused
                                        always max meta first
                                        then max W with 1 point in Q or the other way around
                                        like q scales better but the skill itself if pretty shitty imo

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                                          wait there are situations where you put more than 2 points in Q before maxing other skills?

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon


                                            Final Boss

                                              if you wanna go safelane, then yeah you have to max meta and illus. The only situation you would max q first is when you play mid tb like me. 4 points in q 2 in meta and 1 sunder by level 7.

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                                              LIL KASALANAN

                                                Usually you leave it at lv1 unless you're up against squishy carries that hit fucking hard like Jugg and AM;

                                                Core can you tell me why you'd max meta 1st? D:

                                                Maxing illus 1st seem to work better for me :C

                                                When pushing t1 on meta and I level up I just pump Illu since meta has a long ass cd and I could just probably earn a level or two while waiting for it to cd


                                                  i usually level illus when i have meta on cd
                                                  i tried 1 4 1 0 or some shit and it was garbage, illusions cant jungle early really well even with pms, i think you need at least 2 or 3 levels in meta before maxing illusions

                                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                                    I guess 1-3-2-1 is the way

                                                    Have you been playing TB with Treads or BoTs?


                                                      tried both but i didnt really like BoTs, ended up by feeding. im not sure when you build them - you're pretty vulnerable and dump 2k gold into item that doesnt do much for you that early if you build it before dragon lance

                                                      if you get it after, theres this long period of time where youre moving and hitting slowly as fuck before you get manta

                                                      it might be good with coordinated teams but i cant play tb properly and i think that treads suit me more

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                                                        btw why people dont build drums? you need dragon lance and manta that badly to skip the item?

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                                                        D the Superior
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                                                          LIL KASALANAN

                                                            I've no idea I usually just build drums if my team decides to 5man but if I have to mute everyone else its always


                                                            If you badly need more hp

                                                            lance>yasha>BoT>sange>disassemble to manta or just get raindrop to survive some lvl4 nukes

                                                            Just play around it i guess D: Tread isn't so bad since it gives you aspd and hp


                                                              dont build drums because you have slot issues

                                                              Final Boss

                                                                you get travels when you go for the jungling build where you max illus first and you wanna split push, get a quelling, pms, 3 wraith bands(upgrade one to aquila if you want), brown boots, yasha, tp boots, manta, skadi. After that its up to you but most people prefer getting three butterflies since it helps in pushing. Never buy drums on tb, anyone who says drums are good doesnt know how to play the hero. Drums dont provide you with anything useful and they're an item you'd rather have on a support than a carry. If you really need drums ask someone else to buy them for you. Btw arin which server do you play in and whats your ping in dubai, if you want i could help you with the hero.

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                                                                LIL KASALANAN

                                                                  3 wraith bands? for what, that's half your yasha already... :/

                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                    three wraith bands lets you farm jungle fast and without any need to go to base/suicide. And they help in pushing tower along with yasha.

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                                                                      Shit forum

                                                                      ASSESS Product

                                                                        Check rtz build.

                                                                        LIL KASALANAN

                                                                          I haven't had any problems jungling with just Brown boots, PMS, RoA and Dragon Lance at 8min so i'll pass on that.

                                                                          I remember the days when you suicide at lvl2 just because you went tb woods K3K

                                                                          Additional 2 wraith bands would just delay my dragon lance>yasha

                                                                          Dragon lance already gives you better stats and just takes 1 slot [plus I dont have to sell them when Im about to get real carry items]

                                                                          If you bought it for agi Elven skins give you +6 each
                                                                          If you wanted hp Ogre Club gives +10

                                                                          Enlighten me 1.4k-terrorblade-game-player-sama

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            well i havent been up to date on the jungling build since its been well over 7 months since the last time i went jungle, now that i think about it dragon lance could be better if you're jungling.

                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              Btw i have 1563 games with 65.2% winrate. Idk why dotabuff doesnt show it.



                                                                                I didn't won a single game with tb last 5 month. (exept in party, which are at least 1k less average mmr than my solo games -and i think i lost some in party in addition-) . I guess that what you can called a diary of sucking with tb

                                                                                LIL KASALANAN

                                                                                  ^ It happens to the best of us senpai don't feel so bad



                                                                                    better times will come
                                                                                    i started using meta a lot earlier and played more aggresively and it paid off

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      think of it as an investment
                                                                                      u donate X mmr to the hero by losing your first games with him
                                                                                      then it pays off when you get good at the hero because u'll have a 50+% wr and wider hero pool

                                                                                      at least this helps you not to want to kys after you start doubting if that's even possible to win a game with the hero


                                                                                        yeah this is a really good approach to the game i think

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                                                                                            I see you driving 'round town
                                                                                            With the girl I love and I'm like,
                                                                                            Fuck you!
                                                                                            Oo, oo, ooo

                                                                                            This hero is so fucking gud, I press like.

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                                                                                              its good if ure not playing with apes i think
                                                                                              similarly to oracle


                                                                                                like if you're the one who forces shit alone you get dumpstered


                                                                                                  ye I got fucking apes 1 game not so long ago that just tp in 1 lane and die 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 by 1...


                                                                                                    i pick terrorblade

                                                                                                    people look on my profile and see that im losing with him so they do all they can to ruin the game
                                                                                                    then im flamed for not carrying them and having so many losses with the hero



                                                                                                      im starting to think that tb is really good hero in high mmrs but a rather bad choice anywhere below 5k

                                                                                                      i'll give it like 15-20 games and then i'll start picking my winning heroes again


                                                                                                        It remind me my weird build smurf, in which i attempt game with qop blink + stat, or luna no beam + no bounce, kunka x mark the spot + stat etc...
                                                                                                        (and thus i remain at arround 4k5 with such horrible skill build).

                                                                                                        3 games in a row, after a fp luna, i got medusa, spectre and naga (core naga obviously) picked in my team and a 5th dude complaining in each of those 3 games, and then picking bara/anti mage/juggernaut. Weirdly enough, in each of those game, the major pick flaw was from the luna fp according to them :p

                                                                                                        And for tb, he isn't countered by core, only by sup. And sup who manage to climb very high are often horrible sup when it actually matter. (cause they had to play a different way, which is usually the most suited in ranked, but not suited to shut down a carry (like tb))

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!