General Discussion

General DiscussionOtw to 50% WR!!!

Otw to 50% WR!!! in General Discussion

    Okay... I have been posting recently.... And lots of people insulted my winrate...
    I am Otw to 50% WR now... On a small 5 game winstreak...
    First i would thank everyone that insulted me.... That has been a motivation (Well, my other account has an even shittier winrate)
    Second... This is a game that i want insight and pls tell me about the build... I rushed Treads, Domi, then farmed some camps whilst pushing, to buy armlet, followed by echo sabre, Blink Dagger, then i built satanic, then SnY, MKB, (Sold my Armlet) Finished by a rapier (moved Echo Sabre to stash) I planned to buy ac but i think that a rapier is a better late game finisher.. Almost got rampage Dazzle Kill-secured after i got ultra

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      from me (a noob's perspective)
      AC/Daedalus is better than rapier here
      DR is too risky considering they have troll, pa, pl, lc which may result in comeback if you die

      Livin' Real Good

        Good luck, girls only date guys with 50% or higher win rates.

        ✪ BATSSS

          Besides DR is risky...
          I know dazzle would save me...
          Also My Rapier gave me an ultra


            Good luck john.


              I think ac would have been better if there was the possibility of them locking you down and killing you but judging by the stats, I think it was unlikely so rapier was okay. I would also usually hold off on upgrading hotd to satanic until your last item. You did a good job getting the mkb to counter pa but if the enemy team has no evasion I'd just go with a deadelas instead. Maybe get your stun at lvl 2 instead of 4 probably not that big of a deal but stun is better for a possible early kill. You could probably replace your sny with something else once you have travels something like an ac or a deadelas/mkb or maybe a heart. Something that will give you more damage or more survivability.

              Not Supp-ort

                Who cares it's normal skill


                  people trying to get better care

                  Al Bundy

                    Well lets say they kill you pa or pl take the devine.
                    GG you just threw the game.
                    The way sven works is the more strengh you have the more his base damage rises.
                    And thats what your ulti affects.
                    Lets say you buy a heart thats 45 strengh = 90/135/180 damage depending on your ult lvl
                    Thats a 120 less then devine but it also gives you a shitton of hp.
                    Even Bkb gives you a whooping 20/30/40 damage with ult.
                    Its generally better to build him tanky.
                    Also never skip bkb man its essential especially this meta.
                    If they have no nukes/lock down and you got one last spot and you really want that normal damage item get daedalus it increases your damage by a shitton.
                    Sven with ult and daedalus is hitting 700 crits with 1 hit if you build him right.
                    Also mkb only if they got a evasion heroe like pa or a natural butterfly/solar chrest/helb heroe on sven.

                    Dont play support in shit tier thats my opinion.
                    Just play that jug/sven/life/blood/death propeth(that aoe silence on her is op as shit even when her ults down).

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                      also dont get bkb if their cores are axe bs and lc because then it's useless

                      Al Bundy

                        well bearcat they had necro.
                        If necro aga ults him out his team would basically loose instantly.
                        As a matter of fact that necro was the only really good one on their team.
                        Lost rapier to pl hes out like 120 secs with aga necro ult.
                        They just push down to throne gg.

                        We once had a comeback victory with a totally overfed as fuck sniper ursa and legion on the enemy team.
                        They pushed throne.
                        Necro ultied legion the only one with tp.
                        I sold necronicon got refresher on my ss.
                        tp to their base(2 towers left) put both ults.
                        We beat their push by like 2 secs maybe.

                        Necro ult can really screw up someones game.

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                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Keep it up


                            The game Im taking that from had a necro to. he was bad though im not sure he ever used his ult, but yes that's a good point. Im still not sure that i'd build bkb just to block that though because your still getting controlled by the cores and it's probably better to just build a different survivability item at that point. going something like an ac would probably be better

                            Al Bundy

                              heart offers 120 less damage with ult and its really good vs necro especially coupled with satanic bearcat.
                              Because sven can avoid going below 60 % with those 2 items.
                              If you really dont want bkb.

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                              ✪ BATSSS
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                                ✪ BATSSS

                                  One more game away to 50% WR!! Yaay... Also the enemy teams positioning is way too dumb to be considered human... Neandhertal maybe... As i killed 4 of them when i got ganked by LC! Necrophos was the only survivor.... My Cleave hits all of them... And when necro ult me... WD casts linken and i got shallowed... So i really2 like my team there...

                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                    @York... LOL
                                    @Bearcat... I was being slightly passive and efficient this game... So storm hammer isnt that worth it to level up...
                                    @Saint Of Beards... I know how sven ult works... Like a DD rune based on base damage... Also i died to necro 3 times with agha ult (Fuck Radi and Heartstopper 20 seconds decayed i am dead), and my team pulled of the miracle hold... Also dazzle almost never missed a shallow grave (only 2 x)... So i feel Confident with a DR... And yes i bought MKB since there is PA and Radi... Otherwise Daedalus or Ac would be much better....
                                    Also My Ult plus Rapier dmg is about 1000 so im sure they will die in 3/4 hits especially cause of weave... Well... One of the reasons i bought a rapier was for dotabuff achievements... And that pl has no dmg since he didnt buy diffusal... So i was again... Confident
                                    Btw i have a heart as a backup item in stash...

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                                      You never want to build bkb, thats an item slot going to an item that gets worse as the game progresses. Yes most carries will build one because otherwise they'd get kited but it's always better if you don't have to build bkb.
                                      I don't actually play sven so I might be a little off in my thinking. Im not saying he should be building a rapier every game, that's a bad decision. This game it was okay because they didn't have a good way to kill him and they have dazzle to counter necro. Sven basically wants any item that will increase his survivability and his dps. Heart is probably better on sven because it increases his damage especially when he ults, but ac is viable to. You also want to make sure you have damage outside of your ult and ac is better for that. If you can though you probably want someone else to build the ac.

                                      ✪ BATSSS

                                        BKB is actually nice sometimes...


                                          well yes but if you can get away without building it your better off not building it because you can use that item slot to build more damage or more survivability. If you watch profesional games you'll hear the casters say that carry players hate building bkb.
                                          take this match for example. almost all of their spells go through bkb. the only hero in their lineup bkb is good against is necro and necro wasn't the one killing me, so it was better to skip bkb and go for another item instead

                                          ✪ BATSSS

                                            Yes but vs a magic heavy and disable heavy line-up y not?

                                            LIL KASALANAN

                                              s t i l l n o t 5 0 % w i n r a t e


                                                Rapier is too risky, you expect a normal skill dazzle to shallow grave you on time? Well sometimes probably, but most of the times i would say he would not have the correct positioning


                                                  Why ask for insight if you feel that your build is already correct, while fully defending your build from all insights?
                                                  I'm not saying that your build is right or wrong, neither others' insight is right or wrong
                                                  Just that if you're asking for insights and close your mind from any opinions, it's kinda pointless
                                                  Not that you have to agree with the opinions, but to extract something from it

                                                  Professor Dog

                                                    Benevolent you don't have any games as ss w a necro on your team o_O

                                                    ✪ BATSSS

                                                      Still not 50% WR ..
                                                      Dazzle is a friend... He uses a smurf...

                                                      ✪ BATSSS

                                                        At least he is a friend now.. I trust him


                                                          what I was saying about bkb earlier was only if there wasn't much need for a bkb. If they have heavy nukes and control you had better get your damn ass a bkb.


                                                            you will almost always build a bkb because most of the time there will be at least some control but if you feel that their spells aren't hurting your ability to fight then don't get one. Or if their abilities go through bkb.


                                                              your sven item build order is super trash.

                                                              LIL KASALANAN

                                                                Invite this guy I'm using nyam's smurf


                                                                ✪ BATSSS

                                                                  y? I will be open... Dont be pub people that said i am trash without any reason

                                                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                                                    Still not 50% WR


                                                                      congrats. ive been hovering around 10-5 wins in a row until 50% but i want to play heroes that i suck with to make my team rage ;P


                                                                        satanic should be the last item in your progression no matter what you play (except for huskar i guess)


                                                                          also, treads and hotd aren't items that are 'rushed' - blinks, crits, deso's are rushed. big impact, high risk high reward items are rushed. not like skadi or sny.

                                                                          typically, if you go blink dagger you don't want SnY, if you have blink even a crystalis can be better than the whole SnY.

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