General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does weekend doto mean to you?

What does weekend doto mean to you? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    You got free time, no work, no school. 48 hours of you time. You decide to play dotes :] how does weekend doto goes in your server and rankings. Pls share your personal exp, tanks :]


      I find there are more kids around my age playing on the weekends. So I tend to avoid them

      Bad Intentions

        yo salza, sup man, hmmm interesting.. i wud think u like playing dotes with players around your age group?


          I like playing with friends I've found of about the same age, but like, solo queue matches always tend to go bad when I meet random's. Their temper's always appear very short. However, I find myself hopefully atleast somewhat more calm and collected than others my age (btw I turned 16 a month ago).

          I just feel bad for the people who played with me when I was 13 in pubs haha


            Weekends don't mean free time anymore :/


              weekend dota generally means im playing dota and its either saturday or sunday


                I just found out if ur a boy pee comes from ur penis LMAO

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                herald rank prodigy

                  I just found out that i actually love Benao. Me and him are perfect match for duo stacks guys!


                    Wow, BadIntentions polls are still a thing around here?
                    Between two jobs and online classes I really don't have weekends, so I just play whenever.

                    Bad Intentions

                      ^lol yea mann, ya know, dotes stuff :]]


                        I just haven't been on the forum for months now, good to see that nothing really changes

                        herald rank prodigy

                          Bad intentions kid is still fuckin dumb. Yeah, nothing changed guys.

                          Johnny Rico

                            Semester is ending, no more gigantic works to do, easy katka easy doto easy life.
                            Just 2 tests Databank and Java.
                            Them one month of playing doto and going out.

                            Bad Intentions

                              ohh @H^ going light on dem flames man ha, what happened to the really gud stuff like cancer and all of that :]]

                              Bad Intentions


                                naise, gotta have dem relaxing dotes man :]]


                                  weekend reminds me of how empty my life is. and how meaningless the concept of human life is in general

                                  BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                    How tf do you have more than 3000 games and still be sub 50 winrate :/

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                                      herald rank prodigy

                                        High skill trash with 3000+ games and 48% winrate in ranked being fuckin smart as always. What kind of shitter spams venomancer, are you mentally ill or what. And you dont even win half of your games. nice waste of a computer

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          @kyle, dats a very gud question, i should be at 70% wr man :O!

                                          Bad Intentions


                                            too light flames man, cmon mann what happened to the really good ones :D what happened to the cancer etc stuff :D cmon hanter, u can do better dan dat mann :D

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                                              ^ *than that man

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                                                Oh, so that's hunters new nickname now

                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  ^tanks afikt :]]

                                                  herald rank prodigy

                                                    Last one was so good that even your mom would lmfao at you if she heard that one :D I'd tell her when i see her today, electricity is too expensive for kids like you to waste it.


                                                      np speak proper london DendiFace 4Head

                                                      Bad Intentions


                                                        lol yep, wonder wat happened to his old one doe :]


                                                          this thread took an unexpected turn very quickly

                                                          Bad Intentions


                                                            i am disappoint hanter :O why dem flames so light now :O cmon mann u can do better! :D


                                                              I'm gonna try to turn it somewhere else now. Heys guys how about dat boi and fucking MEMES?

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                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                @salza, lol its hanter man, its his thing :]]

                                                                herald rank prodigy
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                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    @H^ Hanter

                                                                    Dats more like you hanter :D but damn man, you dont really care bout :D


                                                                      Is this Bad Intentions' attempt at baiting Hanter for a second permaban?

                                                                      Bad Intentions


                                                                        Oh hanter hates me enuf (dont know y?) dat any "bait" is obviously not needed, he is just automatic :]

                                                                        Ayt going back to the topic!

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                                                                          pretty cool
                                                                          been kinda more PMA recently
                                                                          although the amount of retards are still the game,I just give less amount of fucks
                                                                          I just do my best,and if they blames me for no apparent reason I just mute them
                                                                          effective to have fun in DOTA2 instead of getting mad over a loss from a crap teammate or more
                                                                          playing with IRL friends has been the same shit with solo queuing,same fucking attitude

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            a shitfest, many unplayable games, but you can't stop playing cause you know it's the weekend, you have beer and smokes (rarely smoke) you got music playing, all your good friends are online, and your girl is voice chatting on a nice chill Friday/Saturday night, so you can't help but lose MMR.


                                                                              Weekends mean +50% win rate, honestly fuck tuesdays

                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                @york lol hows d gal voice chat thing, dat sounds a recipe for disasta in dotes man :D


                                                                                  It feels like nuttin' to me


                                                                                    Vacation is often cancer due to kids who play during summer.

                                                                                    ASSESS Product

                                                                                      Me in weekend


                                                                                        Weekend doto is worst doto if u dont have a 5 man stack . Here in SE-A , weekends are the times the lifeless kids play dota , because they have nothing better to do , so they just ruin your game and don't give a shit .

                                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                                          weekend doto = junglers everywhere and i use this to roam with Riki to annoy the shit out of them until they abandon


                                                                                            Weekend doto means the baby is out with mom somewhere and i dont have to hope and pray that he doesnt wake up whilst i pwn noobz

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I always thought York was a girl tho, would make sense with his moodiness


                                                                                                puffin blunts and play some doto sat night.

                                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                                  yo samp, i tot u and york played couple times already :O

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    he deletes me every time I make fun of his mid play

                                                                                                    Livin' Real Good


                                                                                                      1. I didn't delete you cause you made fun of my mid play, I deleted you (and also blocked you) because you're fucking toxic asshole. I'm a lenient, open, and forgiving person (STRONG emphasis on forgiving, maybe too forgiving) but that only goes so far.

                                                                                                      2. In YOUR HEAD, you're dismissing me as an over dramatic butt hurt drama queen who can't take a joke, but in my head, you're a fucking asshole with anger issues, and my intuition (not ego) tells me i'm probably the correct one. You know what? It's not even based on intuition, more like empirical evidence. People have literally told me you're an asshole, you literally admit you're toxic all the time, and I think you even told me one time (in your own words) that you upset your girlfriend because you were being mean to her friends, when they were probably just trying to have fun in a party unranked game, nothing more. Call me crazy, or even "dramatic" but maybe I don't think like people who are suppose to be my "friend" calling me a fucking retard every time we party up, even when we are winning, even when i'm 10-2 making just ONE mistake.

                                                                                                      3. I'd NEVER, EVER call one of my friends a retard, even in a joking manner, that's like middle school shit.


                                                                                                      How are you, thanks, it's going pretty good, hopefully tonight as well.

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                                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                                        @york n samp

                                                                                                        damnn mann u guise both VHS playas u can get along fine mann :O maybe its just both your competitive spirit :D

                                                                                                        ah york, guud guud, just starting to get my gud internet back :]] mann dont tell me u really doin dat gal voice chat while doin dotes man :O dats like multi tasking overload mannn :O

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