General Discussion

General DiscussionSven w/ Echo Sabre = OVERPOWERED

Sven w/ Echo Sabre = OVERPOWERED in General Discussion

    Every time I play with or against a Sven with Echo Sabre, the team with the Sven always wins. 60% win rate on a 2650-gold item is just way too much. Being able to deal 1000+ every 5 seconds is just plain stupid (not even counting his regular attacks). To counter a Sven, you have to shut him down. But apparently, Echo Sabre is just so cheap and shutting a hero with a built-in better Battle Fury is close to impossible. You shut him down in the lane, he can just jungle. You shut him down in the lane and jungle, he just uses his ultimate and deal tremendous damage.

    Echo Sabre on Sven should be deemed useless just like Troll Warlord with Skull Basher and Abyssal Blade.

    And yes, I'm serious. Ever since the Echo Sabre was introduced, Sven had a 100% win rate on my games.


      Sven echo sucks


        I think echo slam is better

        Pale Mannie

          why would you let sven farm that much?


            I'm sure if you actually believed that, you'd have more games where you have played as Sven. Wait why aren't you playing Sven?


              If he's so OP with a 2.6k gold item why not play him and buy it every game? I'm sure you'll easily reach 9k MMR.


                  SEA server


                    LUL, try to play there plz

                    Giff me Wingman

                      It's strong not OP.

                      Corvus Corax


                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                          Sven is trash, he dominates certain lineups but 1-2 counters from the enemy team and the game is most likely over for you even if you are 6 slotted.

                          Also block/contest ancients.


                            Sven needs slots.


                              ^In 6.87 Ive first picked sven twice. The first game was gg ez. The second game they did contest our ancients and I did end up stopping stacking because of that. But even with a miserable 8.6 lh/ min that game, I litteraly went from 0/5 to 16/5. Sven is just a very strong hero right now with very cheap items and even stronger when farmed which he can do easily.


                                kite him