General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf Nerf

Smurf Nerf in General Discussion
Professor Dog

    Can you please make it so that there is minimum games to create a topic like ma gerd, 9/10 of post are smurfs going on about their 1st world dota problems. How to get vhs? How to get 4k? What i calibrate? Why my mmr so low i got good winrate (in 20 games)?


      yes there is, 30 games right?


        make it like 200 or 1000 games, i think it's better.


          with the implementation of seasonal mmr.

          make smurfing 200 or 1000 games. if you do this volvo, then most people will bought compendium or battle pass for seasonal mmr. nice idea volvo.

          Professor Dog

            I mean honestly, i struggle to find anything non-smurf that isn't ayylmao


              i only needed 32 games on pub to play rank, maybe im too good.

              Professor Dog

                But you haven't played ranked

                Pale Mannie

                  300 matches are fine


                    0 matches should do the trick

