General Discussion

General Discussionmy smurf as 5.5k player, vhs instantly on first match, feelgud

my smurf as 5.5k player, vhs instantly on first match, feelgud in General Discussion



      how to vhs in first match?
      i always start at normal
      is it depend on pc?


        you are the player that can write guides about riki


          IP, I guess?


            Wow thx for this interesting Thread kappa

            Lord Mushroom

              @Aokigahara Yes, it depends on that how good PC you own.


                not really dpeends on pc.

                when you first launch dota 2 on new account, it will ask about your experience in dota, and you should then choose " i have played dota 2"

                your first match will either be high or very high.


                  however if u play like normal bracket u are gonna drop to normal obviously.

                  if u are vhs player like me obviously i will stay. on my 4th game its 4.3k average.

                  tinker min 3 abandon and i have few shitstains in my team, cant carry them, and i accidentally sold my diffusal, otherwise raped them


                    well, probably the smurf detection is using the steam name.. His name is "5k player", so they let him play in vhs skill

                    Lord Mushroom

                      So if i make an account named "8k player" my hidden mmr will be 8K??? :))))))))

                      How can I get a better team?

                        can i know why my skills doesn't appear in my 10 recent matches?

                        Player 175043649

                          make riki guide pls


                            all of you are wrong lmao,steam tracks your ip and checks if you had previous accounts on that ip and places you accordingly


                              made a account as beginner got ranked to high skill


                                its IP based..


                                  sry guys, if you want to learn riki u can download the replay of my matches.

                                  its not easy to play riki. learning curve is too damn high

