General Discussion

General DiscussionThe sea shitshow

The sea shitshow in General Discussion

    Eu is so pleasant compared to sea. Less Flaming more friendly more jovial no Peenoise. Feels like a game should.


      NOPE stay in SEA


        ROFL u havent played on EU much so thats why u think like that xd

        Shit mothafucker ass tits cÜnt c0ck mothafuker shit ass tits motherfuker shit
        Come on
        Fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

        That's what happens in 50% of the games.


          Dude. SEA servers are the worst!

          That server is so bad that there was this one time someone made a petition to kick Pinoy ppl out of the damn server and let them play in their very own server. Let them drown in their own deadpool of poison.

          1. They speak their own language thinking that everyone knows what their saying...

          2. They want to carry. And only carry. I've 2000 over games and I barely seen a support Pinoy.

          3. They have no situational awareness. Can you explain to me what is a PA with SNY Moonshard against a lineup with 5 stuns. We were against a sven. Told the pa to grab a fury so she could steal stacks. Good God man. Ended up the sven had AC sny dagger from stacks alone and our champ PA still building sny...

          I can go on forever with these ppl honestly.

          I'm not saying I'm the perfect player. But when shit like the above mentioned happens I'm going to freaking tilt.

          Call me noob or whatever.

          At least I know in my heart as a dedicated Position 5 player I did my best to support brain dead pubs.


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            Shut the fuck up and play in eu server then


              SEA server is the worst cuz u guys also play in it. Talking all 4 other team is sucks, blame him hard cuz a small mistakes, etc, ur already one of them. SEA server players are mostly kids, thats also implies to mature ppl that have kids mentality. if ur gameplay gud enough, focus to the game, tryhard to win, and high pma on ur every match maybe u will got 6k someday and wont whiing like a kid in this thread. Yea if u cant hadle these things in sea yea, go try other servers.

              wait for me

                Only one major problem, we SEA players don't understand English. This is also true for most servers except US.
                This is DOTA, there'll be toxic players in every match but I gotta know what the hell they are talking about.

                And yeah, EU servers has the nicest gamers. I don't remember any racist comment

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                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  EU is 60% kids and caps lock flamers and 30% probably nice guys but with non-existent english and 10% 20 y old annoying voice chat spammers, so no...

                  only the skill cap is a bit higher

                  still if one day I have to change the server I'll go to SEA, at least I won't understand what they are talking about and wont have to mute 3 ppl every game, rly

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                  King is Back

                    Guys, I have played approx 6 month in EU, and a year in SEA and I can tell you that sea is just officially worst fucking server in entire world


                      I literally quit playing Dota cause of that server and my laptop dead so either one is the cause of my dead doto life

                      I <3 lady music

                        i dont play in sea. i did play a few games a while back just to see what it was like. i was about 2.5k at the time. right now i hover between 3-3.4. I play in use. i got my ass handed to me on another level the games i played in sea. i was insulted. people hated me. and every game i felt like i had no idea what i was doing as a mask of madness pa kicked my ass. that said, i think people seriously need to talk about what constitutes as "toxic." I hear people flame each other a lot in sea. its more or less constant in use. in use people start really ripping into each other. ping other players non stop, and no one does anything. but right now i'm chat banned. my last conduct report says i was reorted 0-3 times. one game i played with another 3k scrub who was talking shit. his name was some twitch address. he wouldn't stop talking. so when i started winning, i started saying that he's so pro he should stream. i asked him if it made him cool to stream. and right after i got mega creeps, i told the guy he was so good that he should televize what he does in dota or something. the next game i was chat banned. how is this not acceptable when people call each other noob kid bobo *#%$#^% $(^*%^$ every other sentence?

                        lm ao

                          My God, all these idiots posting and their logical fallacies/exaggerated portention


                            idk about you all but at 6k in SEA all the people i meet can speak english and people pick supports and try to win 95% of th etime

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                              Another term for it is anecdotal evidence for my claim.

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