General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is storm spirit so bad ?

Why is storm spirit so bad ? in General Discussion

    well I have seen some people commeting in a post made by me and they sayd storm is not good don't play storm focus on other heroes not storrmmmm / well the reason I play him is because he has that ulti and its to fun I can go and gank everyone he is THE BEST AEGIS CARIER in the game he can escape death in 10 seconds and after u learn him he is ez to play almost easier then riki he also is dangerous in all stages of the game BUT the down side is that if in the begging u don't get lasthits of die a lot of times u will be shit in early and and late and all stages of the game now just explain me why is he soo bad ??? like when I see sumail play him I'm like OMGGGGGG BEST HERO EVERRRR

    the realm's delight
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      A waifu a day keeps socie...

        Now I'm starting to believe when you said you are a 10 year old

        не говори по РУ

          Worst hero in the game, 6.84 nerf was ok but the 6.85 killed him and this 6.86 buff was just a joke distracting from another nerf => magic resistance on neutral camps forcing Storm to use more of his expensive mana cost remnants

          Oh did I mention the Bottle nerf and another - 5MS

          No way to snowball for 90-95% of the games

          We might see him at TI6 but never as a top tier pick again, I mean Morphling didn't recover since TI2


            well can someone say what does snowball mean does that mean GANK or something :P ikd

            Milei Presidente

              coz is a shit early mid gaem, they should nerf his late but no


                The problem with storm i belive rests in the same spot as all momentum based heroes. Storm/qop/puck/TA r on the same boat i think, this patch has probably killed the momentum of the game, as some1 said on another post which i dont remember who he was "i want my 7-0 to give me an advantage instead of being a liability", yea the comeback gold/exp is real.

                Another problem with the heroes i mentioned is that they aint good at playin from behind. If u get destroyed early game u wont comeback in to the game simply coz those heroes r ment to always be on the advantage and keep the pressure up durin the entire game and when things go wrong they become pathetic and useless.

                Thats exactly why invoker is good nowdays, u can destroy the guy in the midlane he will always find a away to crawl back to the game even with a late midas, he simply can pull of a couple of spells from afar in a teamfight and he has almost done his job, while u cant do the same with the heroes i mentioned above coz in all of them u will need to actually get close to deal the dmg and when u r behind in terms of gold and exp thats suicidal.

                And of what @Aimstrong said ofc, the nerfsbat hit him hard i belive.

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