General Discussion

General DiscussionOthers can't raise in MMR because retards like me feed

Others can't raise in MMR because retards like me feed in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Others fucking hate this game, because they get me as a teammate and then I feed and flame other all the time, and also abandon games.

    I mean, what the fuck, how can they raise to their skill if they have idiots like me holding them back?


      i also feel like the fact that I bought my account prevents a lot of people from getting to their real mmr, cz every time i bitch around and feed as a core. how can anyone with having me on his team?

      average kebab enjoyer

        Wait what? o.O Mister Sheepy seems to be off his meds? =D (JK dude, pls no flamerino)


          Ty for keeping me below 4k, noobs


            1234 mmr deboosting services ready and available for all u poor souls with too high mmr. Just hook me up for -25

            Riguma Borusu

              Nah, the point is, all people who say they can't raise in MMR because of retards and obvious, pure mathematical possibility that they are mostly in their team are completely right - it's because of people like me.

              There you go, start feeling better about yourself, it is not your fault you can't raise. It's mine. Blame me, the ultimate retard feeder Russian even despite not being Russian. If you read this, remember that every time I queue I will be in your team and feed, and if I am in your enemies' team I will make sure to play godly. I will never play godly in your team and carry you, and feed while in the enemy team. Nuh-uh.

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!