General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Hero for boost my mmr? (No troll)

Best Hero for boost my mmr? (No troll) in General Discussion

    If you're genuinely skilled enough to gain mmr then attitude makes the biggest difference. Won so many games on my way to 5k when people started spaming 'afk' 'ggff' or flame teammates by just telling people to chill, we have this if we can do x y z and defending players that are feeding or encouraging the smallest bit of skill they may be showing. 20k xp behind, axe was afk from minute 30-40 but we grouped up, got some pick offs and won. somebody flamed sniper for feeding bot and he complained he had no support so he is going to support, i had to defend a sniper buying a MEK ORCHID! I was raging hard on the inside but managed to guide the team and we ended up winning.


      a good choice would also be ursa. just dont max E 1st. farm good, push towers whenever you can as its easy with his ulti.
      after boots get blink/bkb. depends of game. if you dont need bkb fast, go blink, vladi. in late i would go for basher/abbysal instead of tarasq, but again, depends of game.

      another tip, you can get a really late shadow blade if you dont have any inv allies that require detection. its a good item for escaping.

      low 3k solo ursa:

      nyx will also do fine for solo off. start with a stout shield, a pair of slippers, 2x brancers and tango. rush poor shield and bottle and youre good to go. always carry a tp. if youre all alone on a lane and your team is fighting and you feel like you could do something, tp there and fight. or push current lane's tower.