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General DiscussionNeed Help - Tips for Brewmaster(MID)

Need Help - Tips for Brewmaster(MID) in General Discussion
Player 188815334

    Yea This account is tottaly fail BTW need some tips abaout Brewmaster on Mid lane.

    if u want to troll or flame i really dont care i will keep the Friendly info from this thread.



      what kind of tips do you want? about laning, fighting....

      in lane he is pretty good and there's no mistery about it, you use your first skill to harass/kill/push the lane/get more than 1 LH at the same time you wouldnt otherwise get. if you put 1 point in your second skill, use it like Tinker's laser, to prevent enemies from last hitting (the debuff is not 100% though).

      from what ive seeing, Swiftending goes 4-0-4-1, and he pwns hard with the hero. Well, once you get your ulti you can do some serious shit in fights, usually you'll activate it and instantly stun the target you wanna kill, you should use the tornado to get another core hero out of the fight, or heroes with big spells (dazzle, invoker, enigma, etc). he is not a micro intensive hero as it may seem, you'd be better using the unified units (if thats how its called) option, where you press ctrl and set an action and every unit you control will perform the action you just ordered.

      when you get aghs it gets a little trickier but again its simple

      he's countered by both doom and skywrath, and they are picked 9 out of 10 games if you play at 4k+ bracket, so have that in mind. the hero falls off past 30 min mark, i wouldn't say you become useless, but your killing potential really decreases, you become more of a utility carry (I think thats why Swiftending builds Shivas and AC).

      Player 188815334

        @Sleave I will consider what u said,these tips seem very helpfull and I hope it works

        Thanks a lot.

        [DFG] Whale King

          I find that sometimes getting a level in the W is useful in lane