General Discussion

General DiscussionI need someone to watch my last clock game for me

I need someone to watch my last clock game for me in General Discussion

    Where is Relentless when you need him? :(
    Anyways so Im starting to think that I have decent luck with clockwerk, and I want to start getting good with him...
    I really need someone to help me out, im not the best player
    And at the start i was a little shabby as I was in a cyber cafe took me a while to get used to the mouse and keyboard


      Give me ID's I can watch later on.


        Thanks alot man, means alot to me :)
        Had some rage moments there =3 btw

        This comment was edited

          I just got home, I will watch and edit this comment as I go along the replay. I will be using the in game timer instead of the replay timer, also excuse any spelling mistakes as I will be typing while watching and touch typing isn't so much my thing.


          0:30 Games starts and you don't go to protect your treant who is warding solo but instead idle in the lane to block (keep in mind the creeps are slow to begin) and you miss your block anyways.

          2:13 You are taking major harass and have to be healed twice by treant and are out of consumbales, mirana misses and arrow with net and naga dives in and is close to death but again not cogs = no naga kill. You walk back to base sitting on 3 cs 4 minutes in now and are losing exp fast.

          5:18 You make a jump for mirana but again for some reason refuse to cog allowing her to escape with 143 hp's. Popping your battery assault before you're near scares people. You have to be salved by treant who is basically healing you nonstop because you are being careless.

          6:05 You make a wreckless dive under tower which concedes nothing, you get netted and arrowed and nearly die but at least you cogged this time. Again have to be healed by treant. Keep in mind if you were solo you would have been dead by now, also you are taking all of treants heals which he could be giving to mid or other lanes.

          7:20 You go after naga who is in the side shop and get arrowed and the cogs come out too late but it burns a little bit of mana putting the mirana on the back foot a little. At this point you're 13-3 cs and mirana is 21-4.

          8:00 You get your phase but have bought nothing else, you have phase and stout at 8 minutes.

          10:32 You make a pass for the naga who you cog in with you in front of creeps. Easy arrow and you drop easily and then treat who has used his heal on you dies as well.

          11:24 Some good play by treant with ult and phoenix rotation allows you to get a kill. Keep in mind you were basically dead again with positioning you got arrowed and netted. At least your team mates are on the ball and you're 1-1 with mirana at 3-0.

          12-14:00 you are sending out rockets to other lanes to help which is good but you are maxing battery assault in a lane where maxing rocket would have helped you bully your lane.

          14:20 Good tp out, if you had stayed there was a big gank coming your way but I will note that I think you tp'd more for the mid farm then for the fact that you sensed an oncoming gank.

          14:45 You have no "past the river" wards and foolishly hook AA. He does cold feet and you just stand there and get arrowed. You made no attempt to move or get out of your cogs.

          17:00 Naga does song and saves the team but no ult comes out from you to prevent any of that so they get a free walk.

          17:25 You need to watch from 17:00 till when you die and see just how much you messed up here by constantly refusing to cog.

          A cog there would have probably killed the naga and burnt mirana and AA enough for them to have been dropped easier. While not 100% that is rougly the distance of cogs. Do you see how much you messed up by not using a 50 mana spell?

          The fight goes on and you go back in, starfall + tower aggro + auto attacks with AA buff. An easy kill for them, plus you miss your hook shot on Naga and hit the mirana.

          19:00 Out of postition and alone, though you get the naga kill you stay in the open in the same lane and get arrowed and brough down by AA ult and jugger.

          20:05 You are chasing invoker and miss your hook shot...but not by much. Your reaction is to pause and blame the AM? That was your fault 100%. While contining to bitch in all chat you forget you are standing in the lane and get torando + EMP and lose all your mana and half your health.

          The consequences of this are that you have no mana and proceed to farm mid lane and (using hero perspective) are actually watching three of your team mates get killed while you farm the mid lane. It's not like you have any mana but consider if you had not bothered to bitch, or farm mid.

          This ends the 20 minute mark which I class as the stopping point for any laning analysis.


          Notes on the match so far.

          - You stayed bot practically the full 20 minutes just doing not so clever things. You never carried a tp with you to go to another lane and assist.
          - You're going straight for sceptre and at 21 minutes you have the same items that you had at the 10 minute mark. Phase + Staff of Wizardry.
          - You NEED to use those cogs often. It's 50 mana and when naga was coming in for a deny that is a cog burn right there. Don't keep trapping yourself inside with the enemy. Cog on the side so it pushes them into your team or at least burns their mana so they can't fully combo you.
          - As it stands right now at 21 minutes you are by far the worse player on your team. Clock has the most impact during this time and till now you have basically had no impact and have even been counter productive in some ways.

          This is not to be mean I am giving you an honest analysis of what went wrong.


          20:00 - 30:00

          You are constantly bitching at the AM who does what AM does and farm and God knows he needs it.

          You pick up a 30:00 sceptre. That's it, you have boots and sceptre. No drums, bottle, forcestaff, blademail. Just boots and sceptre.

          37:52 A blind hookshot that hits no one and you get dropped easily.

          You are picking up some little assists here and there but if again I am too be honest, nothing outsanding or worthy of any additional praise.


          30:00 - 40:00

          You are actually doing some good for the team during this period, some nice hookshots which are conceding kills for your team.

          33:00 a team fight breaks out and while it is messy you do get a couple of decent choice hookshots off. You buy back and redeem yourself with a couple of good digs at the mid push and top push with a solo naga.


          I don't feel I need to watch a 70 minute SEA game of people farming. My summary is as follows.

          You need to work on your teamplay a bit more, you were saved countless times in the early game by your teammates but never returned the favor.

          You need to know when to hook and when to not. It can back fire as you might go further then you wanted and end up pulling your team out of position.

          The AM won you the game, it has to be said that for all your bitching he played it as an AM should.

          There are lots of small things I can point out so feel free to ask.

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