General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre Item Build

Spectre Item Build in General Discussion

    I see a lot of different builds out there for spectre, and they all seem to think that the other build is terrible.
    Like some people swear by vanguard and others say its terrible. Others say spectre is great mid-game, with diffusal and manta, others say that the best way to build spectre is with drums radiance.

    Right now my question to you is, what do you think is the best item build for spectre? i know it varies a lot from the enemy team, but i just want to get an idea behind the item choices.

    for example, do you choose radiance over diffusal when the enemy team has a lot of squishy supports and the radiance burn will easily damage them? I did a lot of theorycrafting for spectre, and it seemed to me like the best idea would be to rush manta.

    Why manta? Yasha gives your illusions good attack speed and damage (and the illusions benefit fully from all stats in there since it was based on the endurance aura from dota 1), you can manta dodge a lot of stuns and escape a lot of disables with that. Not only that, yasha gives you movement speed which will help your ult deal more damage, also desolate deals a lot of damage, and manta amps that up. Great survivability, great mobility and a lot of damage.

    So, what do you think is best for her:
    * Drums Radiance * Radiance rush * Drums Diffusal * Vanguard Diffusal * Vanguard Radiance * Manta rush * Drums Manta

    PS: Skill build, why do people max her first skill?

    You don't have the mana pool to use that a lot, and you should really be saving it for escape. Also depending on the situation you get much more out of desolate or dispersion. (vs Offlane desolate, getting harassed dispersion).


      I'm not the best spectre but in my opinion

      1. PMS
      2. Boots
      3. Aquila
      4. Phase
      5. Diffusal
      6. Vitaly Booster
      7. Optional: Radiance
      8. Heart

      For people who max first skill first, i can only think that it secure kill on gank..

      harvard graduate

        I like PMS - Phase - Wand - Drums (if game is going really well, only bracer for faster radiance) - Radiance (aim for 18 minute mark) - Yasha - casual vit booster - manta - heart - butterfly.

        By the time I am there, the game is usually over but I would probably get a diffusal/a second heart/a skadi as my last item.
        I really dont like the Diffusal Rush on her. I get it on PL because you slow your enemy with it and your illusions just hammer away on the target until it dies. Spectre doesnt rly work that way imo. Its more about her presence in a longer time -> Dispersion, Radiance, Ult with Desolate... that makes her strong.
        I've been really successfull with this build as I didnt lose a ranked game with it yet (from like 10 I believe).

        For skillbuilds, hmmm really depends. I always go 1-1-1 on level 3.
        If I am pressured hard early game I go max Dispersion.
        If lane is ez and I wanna be able to KS some kills across the map I will usually max dagger and Desolate as levelling dispersion really isnt that good early.

        If enemy team consists of a lot of midgame heroes, build phase/wand/drum/yasha/vit booster. You can throw a diffusal in there but your Desolate should be most of your damage then. If you manage to turtle, skip the radiance and get diffusal and continue with the previous build

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          Starting items: Salve, Tango, Stout and then after 2 last hits buy a Quelling Blade
          Rush Radiance (Under 20 minutes)
          After Radiance or if the rush is a fail, go Diffusal Blade
          Then Manta Style
          Then Heart of Terasque
          Then Butterfly

          Optional items: BKB, Abyssal, Rapier

          Dire Wolf

            I am by no means a pro spectre player but Radiance is a good farming item but is overrated for damaging other team IMO. If you get it early to help you farm, awesome, otherwise I'd rush manta or diffusal. Diffusal isn't that great on it's own, but it's sweet once you get manta.


              diffusal phase boots drum and 3 sange and yashas




                  Manta & Heart are a must. Everything else is situational imo. Also never never never build butterfly before heart. Heart on Spectre is 10 times better.

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                    Radiance has been buffed 4 times increasing the aoe to 700 and the burn dps from 40 to 50 and the base dmg from 60 to 65. It's very good on spectre now even if you don't get it early but its better to get it early because the primary function is still to increase your farming rate.

                    Basically the choice is like this:

                    Do I have to fight early? Then get diffusal and port in to fight. Use diffusal to get kills.

                    Is my team winning the early and mid game for me? Then rush radiance and lock in that advantage by guaranteeing spectre will get a huge amount of farm.

                    Manta Style is also good for fighting and split pushing. Your images get move and attack speed which they need to actually do attacks on heroes moving away from them. And against a gank target each manta illusion gets desolate +65 dmg!!!!. They are far more powerful than illusions of most other heroes with the same items.

                    Refresher Orb is the ultimate Spectre weapon. It doubles your desolate, doubles your diffusal hits and if you cast the ults sequentially it doubles your radiance burn time. A double spectre ult late game can team wipe the enemy by itself. If you get manta style you have the mana to cast a double ult and use dagger from level 16 on.... if you don't have enough mana Refresher still allows you the opportunity to do a game winning buyback 2nd ult.

                    Heart is very good on spectre if you are getting focused by magic dmg. Butterfly is great if you are taking mostly physical dmg. But neither of these are core items. They should be purchased specifically in the situation where you need that defense. Spectre should rely on images to do his damage. If your main hero is taking lots of magic and physical damage because you did reality check immediately into 5 enemy heroes... your positioning and timing mistakes are the problem not your items.

                    Vanguard is for games where your lane totally sucked and you got zero farm.

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                      Don`t listen to Relentless , Refresher is shit on Spectre and always will be.



                        Only a few know about Refresher but it is the absolute most powerful spectre item. It does however take a bit longer to learn to use than many items because there are so few uses of it in a game. If anyone is used to playing right click heroes and likes to get stats items... that's fine. Don't try to do something beyond your experience and expect it to be easy.

               Refresher is not known... but is the #1 winrate item in the game because it really IS the best... and is used by the very best spectre players.

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                          i believe most if not all of those are stack games, they got about as much legitimacy as my 3 sny build.

                          refresher's pretty good though, just not as first or second item.


                            Spectre has 598 mana pool without items at level 16. With manta / refresher has enough mana for 2 ulties + refresher?


                              Relentless Cus Beesa can play and win with refresher that doesn`t mean that item is viable for all spectre players.
                              He play stacks games and team make inaf space for him to farm,refresher is not like a core he buy it 3-4 item after radiance already and stuff so is not that easy and imba,buy refresher= win my ass,just with pro stacks like Beesa have refresher is good.

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                                I think Refresher is just stupid on Spectre.


                                  ? who said get it before radiance?

                                  Refresher is an end-the-game, super item. What you already have (diffusal, desolate, radiance) it doubles. Beesa did most of this solo que. I gather that you didn't understand how to use the refresher. If you think Beesa did this because of stacks then you really are not thinking. Beesa is possibly the best carry in the world who is not already on a pro team's regular roster. Yes, that means most people can't farm as perfectly as he does so their items will be later.

                                  Beesa doesn't stack with pros... pros wish they could stack with Beesa.

                                  But refresher is not an early game item. It's best used after Diffusal, Radience, and Manta are already done. But it is a far stronger extension than butterfly or heart.


                                  With manta-style, diffusal, and refresher, Spectre mana pool is 884. Refresher + 2 ults is only 675. He can cast both ults with refresher and use dagger at full mana. He also has +200% mana regen and 69 INT at this point so his mana regen is over 8 mp/s.

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                                  Ples Mercy

                                    refresher is only good when ur winning, otherwise its a shit item. Theres nothing more to say, end of story.

                                    Saying that refresher is a better item than hot and bf on spec, is like saying dagon is better on pl than dif. blade.

                                    It really depends on the situation. If your laning phase is iffy you can go for vanguard, phase and diffblade, if u have freefarm u can go for big items like radi, hot and so on. Skillbuild wise its the same. If you are on a yoloimareku - trip then go ahead and max ur pure dmg first.

                                    Spec doesnt really have a skillbuild or itembuild to follow, alot of items are viable on her, it really differs depending on the situation.

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                                      For example, teamfight 5vs5 is going. How exactly Spectre can benefit from Refresher now?

                                      casual gamer

                                        Phase vanguard manta is best build for early fighting and easiest to snowball with little farm.

                                        Treads diffu manta is more of a traditional farming hard carry build

                                        Rad RFO is certainly something


                                          Refresher is BEST at turning around games when you are losing. It is basically equivalent to taking a 20k networth carry and making him a 40k networth carry by adding a 5k gold item.

                                          Bfly does not DOUBLE spectre's power. Heart does even less. When you increase the damage your ult does to the enemy team from 3k to 6k... 5 man wipe... the game ends.

                                          And do you want to get Bfly too? That's fine. Refresher doubles the power of bfly as well. Heart is for a low skill game where your team sucks and your positioning sucks and you have to charge right into the enemy team and hope your passive dispersion kills them while you get stun locked....

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            you really have a wrong idea about spec's ult.


                                              Relentless Yes I asking you also who said get it before radiance cus I didn`t? I said refresher is not like a core and need to be bought after 3-4 items already. As blunt said if you can get so good farm and than refresher your team already winning you can`t get it in every game and turn it around even with 2x dps,cus you need alot more items for refresher to be viable. So if opposite team push rax at 25 min. you wont do shit with diffu treads and refresher for example.


                                                Blunt @ Fnatic You can`t explain to 3300 mmr player some things,he saw Beesa with 6000 mmr using refresher and now he think that item is a GOD and always good just cus Beesa buying him at his games.


                                                  No Bogi I saw Beesa play any carry hero at all and before there was MMR visible. Watch just one game its obvious he is a world class player. Only stubborn jealousy could prevent someone from seeing it.

                                                  Beesa gets it because it is excellent. But anyone who wants to remain ordinary and unimpressive... feel free to get heart and hope for dispersion kills.

                                                  Nearly all Spectre dps comes from his ult. If you don't understand that then you can't do even the most basic analysis of his item choices.


                                                  It will be helpful here to also insert a side comment for those who are new to dotabuff forums. Some dotabuff forum posters are quite conceited and become angry any time anyone claims to be good or says anyone else is good. Because of their jealous pride and spiteful childish nature they take personal offense at anyone else being praised. So if you want to happily announce some success you have had keep in mind you will be attacked for it. If you pay attention for a long time you will notice it is the same handful of people who do it everytime to everyone. Just ignore them... nearly everyone does.

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                                                    >Beesa doesn't stack with pros... pros wish they could stack with Beesa.



                                                      Desolation is not working if enemy heroes grouped. Radiance don't stack. Damage from Diffusal Blade is not so big and can be blocked with BKB (which they going to use in teamfight anyway).


                                                        BkB's do not last 14 seconds but a Spectre refresher ult can. Often late game Enemy carries MUST use bkb the instant spectre cast's the first ult or they will have no mana... meanwhile the supports simply die.

                                                        Since spectre has refresher he does not have to attack then. He can just waste all their bkbs and kill the enemy supports... AND he still has another ult for the teamfight now featuring enemies with no support and no bkbs.

                                                        The flexibility that spectre has to haunt to any hero during the ult means it is easy for him also to counter split pushing heroes. He can go kill that NP... AND still come to the teamfight both. If the enemy team is in a 325 radius of each other... smaller than Luna's attack range. WOW their positioning would suck. Any aoe skill in the game would hit that.

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                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          he is acually 3,1k but thats not the point.

                                                          You should really stop using terms like 'world class'. Ive seen that phrase so many times from you, everytime i see that from you i know that the player is prolly good but nothing special. If you know how specs ult works, then you should know, that refresher is only effective when you snowball out of control and have a lot of items. You cannot dish out enough damage late game with refresher to wipe out a team which has similair farm.

                                                          Here is an example:

                                                          he did not snowball, yet he bought refresher, result being he lost the game. He was tanky but lacked damage, therefore not being able to kill the squshy team, accoding to your bullshit, he should be able to wreck this squshy team, but he was not. Not to mention that the enemy storm spirit did very smiliair damage to begin with.

                                                          The ultimate creates Illusions which attacks other players with 40% of spec's base damage and desolation (if noone alone).He could refresh his ult even 4x and it wouldn't do shit.

                                                          Refresher is nothing but a dagon version for spectre. If you get a lvl 5 dagon on bounty because you snowball hard and win the game doesn't mean its the ultimate item.

                                                          You should stop your fan boy mode and start playing and thinking for yourself rather than trying to figure out why other people build 'weird' items on heroes and win with them, then finding some stupid explanation to justify it. After that you might finally get out of the 3k trenchtier bracket and become a good player yourself.


                                                            ^"You cannot dish out enough damage late game with refresher to wipe out a team which has similar farm."


                                                              @Relentless: Most of his games on that page are with his friends. Perhaps it's just a coincidence. Since he is quite the known stacker I doubt he did "most of this solo" as you said. Refresher is undeniably a strong item on Spectre but not really as the first item after Radiance. I would definitely get it as my 7th item.


                                                                No, Blunt that is a game where Beesa was unable to overcome 4 feeders. What a shock!

                                                                Someday Blunt maybe you will take your profile off private, which you set immediately upon completing your calibration games. I realize that you are embarrassed by your "low" MMR. But I am not embarrassed by my very high... currently 3148 solo and 3348 party MMR. I am not cowed into submission by people who are excellent at clicking but can't strategize their way out of a wet paper bag. I am not fooled by delusional dotabuff forum posters into thinking 3k MMR is "trench" just because top 1% players have zero concept of what average pub play is like.

                                                                You can all choose to listen to me and learn how to improve... or you can mock and remain ignorant nubs. I will respect real excellence in play and in reasoning. For those of you who are jealous of the recognition I give to truly excellent players from time to time... whining about it or laughing or crying will not earn anything for you. Do something impressive... if you can.


                                                                  Actually having 15 deaths on Chen, 10 on BB etc doesn't necessarily mean feed in a 60 min game, even more against Magnus and Storm. Beesa himself died 11 times. Though I agree Beesa is an outstanding carry, I don't know if he's world class as you suggest. However, I don't know much about him nor have I seen him play a lot, so I prefer not to give my opinion about this.


                                                                    Heart - low tier item on Spectre ? Don't make me laugh. Spectre is the best tank in game coz of her dispersion. U want to be hit by people to reflect dmg. Spectre is not a BKB holder, so she needs something against magic dmg - heart gives it. Heart is a bad item for nearly every hero, but for Spectre it's one of the best if not the best. With heart she is a monster. If someone doesn't agree then probably he didn't play Spectre at all & is theory crafting.

                                                                    Refresher is great on Spectre as last item, when u have problems with finishing the game. It's legit.

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                                                                      1.phase boots
                                                                      2.drum (bracer-> veno orb -> drum)
                                                                      3.diffusal (sell veno orb)
                                                                      4.vitabooster (the 1100 red orb)
                                                                      5. manta
                                                                      6. heart
                                                                      7. butterfly and win
                                                                      (during 5 and 6 you can upgrade/recharge your diffusal)

                                                                      radiance build (do this if you get a lot free farm early. dont radiance if your teaming is losing. dont make radiance if you can get it after 25 min)

                                                                      1. phase boots
                                                                      2. drum (bracer-> veno orb -> drum)
                                                                      3. 3800 and radiance
                                                                      4. vita orb(1100)
                                                                      5. diffussal (sell orb. or sell veno orb early if you have slot issue)
                                                                      6. heart
                                                                      7. butterfly or manta and win already
                                                                      7b. or buy refresher orb. two ult can wipe the team if they are all squishy.
                                                                      (during 6 and 7 you can upgrade/recharge your diffusal)

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                                                                        op. manta only if you have diffual, to maximize the UAM feedback manaburn.

                                                                        getting diffual = +150-200 dmg to your ult (to each enemy hero).
                                                                        getting radiance = +300 dmg to your ult (to each enemy hero).

                                                                        good to get manta after your have either diffusal or radiance.
                                                                        I am actually quite agiant radiance, unless you are fed or free farm. team will hate afk farmer, they like to do fast paced team fights and like the carry can participate from minute 10.


                                                                          From what i gather from all these posts is this:

                                                                          Getting free farm: Quelling Blade Stout Shield and Tango as starting items, build that into poor mans shield, get a phase boots. Drums serves as an early fighting item, so if you're getting absolute free farm, skip it and build radiance.
                                                                          Getting harassed: Quelling Blade Stout Shield and Tango as starting items, build that into vanguard, get a phase boots. After that, build diffusal blade.

                                                                          For both these builds however, the item progression is as follows: Manta, Heart, Bfly.
                                                                          Refresher is situational when you're ahead of farm and you have already built at least Manta.

                                                                          I didn't do drums of endurance with the diffusal blade build because i think when you're behind, the best thing is for you to be tanky so you can survive the harass and ganks. Also the regen helps a lot on the lane, and that is something that drums does not provide.

                                                                          How does this sound?


                                                                            drum IS for you to become tanky.
                                                                            The best tanky stuff you can get at minute 5, is the bracer. the best you get minute 10 is drum.

                                                                            to be tanky you can also get tread boots and vangard BUT.

                                                                            tread boots are good. but phase boots are better in two ways.
                                                                            vangard is not cost effective than drum. 250 HP vs 171 HP but the cost ? other stats ? regen is not useful, 4 tango and 1 salve is good for the first 10 minute. after 10 min. you don't need +5 regen anyway. plus. you need to get back fountain to regen your mana. i m not strongly against vanguard. spec is one of the few heroes benefit a lot with vanguard (3rd skill). but imo drum better.

                                                                            imo PMS is not necessary, stout is good enough. don't waste 300 gold early to get PMS. 300 can almost get you 150+175 ( i am talking about the bracer stuff)

                                                                            imo drum is the CORE for spec. whether you go rad or diffusal or both. drum is a must. for radiance rush, you can get rad at 20-25 min mark, with phase and drum. if things went reasonably ok. if not, then you should not go rad.

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                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Drums is a pretty decent way to get tanky early though, good str and agi armor, move speed with free pathing dagger let's you escape easily. I don't think I've ever gotten drums on spectre (I have very few games on spectre) but I want to try it next game.


                                                                                i like phase drums diffusal... but spectre is very versatile so u can rly build whatever fits the game at any time


                                                                                  ya. speaking of versatile...

                                                                                  sange can be an alternative to vangard and drum as early tanky item. more or less same cost but more hp (304 hp).
                                                                                  also +10 dmg is sweet. 15% maim is nice. if you have a cheap veno orb. the dagger+veno+main chance will secure the kill

                                                                                  you can get it into halberd and disarm is fun to use. a 15 min halberd is so fking GREAT when vs heroes like huskar . ursa. and now tb.

                                                                                  or you can early sange -> S&Y and later -> disamble -> manta and halberd.

                                                                                  another reason i like halberb on spec is that 25% evasion sync well with her 3rd skill. evasion = indirect tankiness.
                                                                                  and also you can get it done side lane shop.

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                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                    And here you're completely ignoring my arguments and cry like a little baby. Didn't expect something different. Also your very pitiful excuse makes it even worse.

                                                                                    4 feeders? He himself had 11 deaths similair to all his mates, support tend to have more deaths than the main carry since they often get focused first and have no health (especially late game), despite that, the difference in deaths isn't even that great. I find it kinda painful to watch you trying to explain something you know nothing about.

                                                                                    and yet you completely ignored my arguments.
                                                                                    -> he did not kill the enemyteam, despite them having rather squishy heroes, despite your great '6k damage statement'
                                                                                    -> storm did very similair damage, how come? Has storm become the new great hardcarry of doom?

                                                                                    i overlooked your HoT statement. Just wow. Ill quote this:
                                                                                    'Heart is for a low skill game where your team sucks and your positioning sucks and you have to charge right into the enemy team and hope your passive dispersion kills them while you get stun locked....'

                                                                                    I have no idea if you're trying to act like an ignorant idiot or if you really have gone full retard.


                                                                                      Yes, drums is a tanky item but it doesn't compare to the vanguard really. The damage block plays a huge role, given that the damage you'll receive is already 20% lower due to dispersion, not to mention spectre is an agi hero so she gains lots of armor. This almost nullifies auto attack damage early on, when the damage block triggers.

                                                                                      Drums is wonderful on spectre since it gives you some int, but the core thing of it is the move speed bonus, which will help your illusions attack more and get less kited. However, in a scenario that you're getting constantly harassed, i don't think its as good as vanguard, since it lacks on damage block and regen.


                                                                                        Relentless I never said smth like I m better than Beesa or smth obviosly he is better than me,but over and over you are trying to say that refresher spectre is so damn good,but is not true. As Blunt said Refresher is good only if you have already alot alot of good items dps so you can actually 2x that dps,if you have low damage your low dmg x2 wont change much. I can`t agree with you that Refresher is so damn good just cus Beesa play it,and ofc Beesa is a stacker theres no doubt about it. 76% win rate cmon,Dendi Arteezy 56% cmon.
                                                                                        I just want you to understand that refresher is not the best and that is just optional at snowballing.

                                                                                        matrice is 6270 mmr..





                                                                                        As you can see he play without refresher and he have better win rate than Beesa so how you explain this?

                                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                                          that beesa guy has a better kda and more matches though, just sayin.

                                                                                          also beesa did stack according to alot of people, but due to relentless fanboymode he wont believe it and still keeps on yapping how godlike that random stack guy is.


                                                                                            @Racist popcorn

                                                                                            I was just like you . firmly believed vanguard > drum on spec. and .get vanguard on spec every single games ( see page 3 and 4)

                                                                                            once I go drum instead, I found it much better. (though spec winrate still the same i guess)
                                                                                            with drum, you don't have a 5-10 minute window that are very vulnerable. and you can get kills much early. basically you can kill after phase boot. bracer and a veno orb. that 's 6-8 min in game.
                                                                                            just try it. and you will understand it

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                                                                                              I don't think relentless ever said that refresher on its own was good, he said that refresher helps you a lot as a third-fourth item, as the radiance burn, diffusal hits and desolate attacks will be doubled. He meant that, with refresher you get:

                                                                                              2x Radiance burn = 50 dps per enemy, 350 for the 7 second duration and 1750 on the whole team for the 7 second duration.
                                                                                              With a refresher you can deal 700 damage single target and 3500 damage on the whole team, and that is without taking into account the desolate and diffusal hits.

                                                                                              Assume the illusion manages to hit an isolated target 10 times, that is 650 pure damage from desolate + 360 mana and damage from diffusal, which can be doubled by refresher.

                                                                                              If take this all into account, and assume spectre has Radiance and upgraded diffusal, she'll deal:
                                                                                              350 + 650 + 360 = 1360 damage

                                                                                              All this damage is separate from the raw auto attack damage. Since raw auto attack damage is multiplied by .40%, the equivalent in auto attack damage that spectre has with a refresher equals an item that gives 340 damage when the target is alone, and 178 damage when the target isn't.

                                                                                              TL;DR : Refresher is an item that gives 340 damage (an undroppable divine).
                                                                                              That also doesn't take into account the raw auto attack damage that the second ult will deal. So it's a bit more than 340.

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                                                                                                Nice to see someone is able to read and think ^^^^^^^^^^


                                                                                                Blunt you are not making arguments. You are making random, incorrect and incoherent... even self-contradictory assertions.

                                                                                                Bogi you do not have to use Refresher on Spectre. Its possible to win games with heart and bfly. They are good items for certain situations. But refresher is better.

                                                                                                Bogi Beesa record with Refresher is 18-3... that's 86%. His KDA for those games was 318-53-392 => 13.4
                                                                                                His stats are WAY better than Matrice and WAY better than his own stats not using refresher.

                                                                                                I know about the game Blunt picked because I watched it at the time. His team fed like crazy early and he still nearly came back to win with refresher. I watched almost all of those refresher games. It was a project to test the refresher build. The refresher ults were incredibly powerful in real games... which were played ALL on the first page live games level. 5k to 6k MMR players were getting annihilated by the refresher ults. Supports were resorting to casting all their skills and items just to try to survive... and still dieing. There was even a Skeleton King who tried to live by instantly porting out and did not make it. He lost all mana and died... no rez. You can refuse to learn from the experiment if you want and never try to learn to use refresher. Go ahead remain ignorant. Remain ordinary and don't learn.


                                                                                                Drums is good for a spectre if you are ganking at every chance and actually porting in to do it... but this is not the best way to play spectre. Spectre is best maxing his farming and just using his ult to support ganks. He should not port in most of the time. Instead he should keep farming. Spectre wins late game. Don't destroy your farming efficiency to chase down extra kills. Port in to get a kill if you can farm there after you port.

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                                                                                                  Vanguard gives HP regen, so it keeps you constantly topped up on health when you're farming, that's all. I personally just go Drum and then buy a few Salves or go back to base past the laning stage.

                                                                                                  If you go Vanguard then you'll have to go Phase for the move speed, but if you go Drum or Yasha, the move speed from the item allows you to go either Treads or Phase.

                                                                                                  I personally think Diffusal is an overrated item on Spectre, or at least misunderstood. People think they get it for the Haunt damage, but the reason it's so good on PL and Naga is because they have many illusions that can focus one person, Spectre's 5 illusions are spread out across 5 targets, so you're not gonna be draining their mana pool in 2 seconds flat with a single Haunt, and Desolate damage is far superior anyways.

                                                                                                  Radiance is good because it only requires illusions to follow people to get the damage off, which is what the Haunt illusions do, first and foremost. Diffusal requires the illusions to attack, and if the enemy has fast enough move speed, the iilusions can lose out on total damage by not being in attack range.

                                                                                                  imo it's like getting Diffusal on Riki, you get it for the active, as well as an extra slow when Dagger is on cooldown, and the mana burn damage is just a slight bonus.

                                                                                                  I'm more of a Manta person since it lets me get kills without Haunt on lone targets from the Desolate damage, and if you're behind or at least even, the enemies will focus you more easily whereas with Manta you may be able to use the illusions to tank some extra damage.

                                                                                                  Even with free farm I'd still go Drum. If the enemy bait Spectre into going Relic and then forcing a fight, then you're in a bad situation since your contribution to early fights is much less, but if you go Drum first then Radiance, you can still contribute at level 7-10 and if all goes well, the gold you get from teamfights and the gold that the enemy loses from dying makes up for the 5-6 minutes it slows down your Radiance by.

                                                                                                  My general item build is:
                                                                                                  Starting: Tango + Salve + Stout + 2 Branches, or Ring of Protection instead of Stout, or Circlet + 3 Branches.
                                                                                                  1. Quelling Blade (optional)
                                                                                                  2. Boots
                                                                                                  3. Magic Stick (dependent on lane match up)
                                                                                                  4. Phase or Treads
                                                                                                  5. Bracer > Drum recipe (only using reliable gold) > Drum
                                                                                                  6. Relic > Radiance if farming well
                                                                                                  7. Yasha > Manta. Skip Radiance if behind
                                                                                                  8. Diffusal Blade (optional) - efficient cost for agility and purge for solo pickoffs with Manta.

                                                                                                  After that it's either Heart, Skadi, Butterfly. In some cases Skadi can give more EHP than Heart, although it doesn't give health regen.


                                                                                                    whatever i say is correct, the rest is bullshit


                                                                                                      y refresh is totally legit imo, more info:


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                                                                                                        Now for those of you who followed this and understood just how powerful this refresher spectre ult is... there are good counters to it if you happen to run into someone who does it right... no need to despair.

                                                                                                        Medusa can kill all illusions instantly with her ult... but that only stops one spectre ult, not the 2nd one. Best to get refresher on Medusa then I supposed.

                                                                                                        A well farmed Kunka however can kill all the illusions with a big tidebrigher crit if your team positions to do it.

                                                                                                        The best option is Ember Spirit. A well farmed ember spirt can immediately eliminate equally farmed spectre illusions with slight of fist... again if your team is positioned together in the right aoe when it happens.

                                                                                                        Gyrocopters Flak cannon does not work. Nor does Luna, or Medusa's split shot unless you stack divine rapiers. They just take too long to kill the illusions and spectre kills everyone first.

                                                                                                        In those situations Spectre now needs that Heart. With Heart the illusions can only be instantly removed by Medusa's stone gaze and so their entire team dies before killing the illusions. Of course if you did not happen to pick one of these heroes and it gets to late game Spectre is just going to win.

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