General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Nice Winrate :)
    Bad: Dirty Rat King PLayer :P


      Good : Support in general
      Bad : Vengeful Spirit :(


        Good : Dat invoker!
        Bad : NP rat!


          Good: Venge, Enchantress wr

          Bad: Bloodcyka, and oh god your top has 30% wr :/


            Bad : 333333333333 invoke
            Gud : timber doto best doto


              Gut : Heroes with escape mechanism
              Bad : I can't stand your ava


                Havoc Badger : Thanks for the advice. I think you are correct.
                Im already doing that. It's good so far.

                Good : Good dazzle

                Bad : longest losing streak...10?

                i dont want to be around ...

                  Good: You play undying

                  Bad: You only play undying


                    Good: Plays TA

                    Bad: Plays Prophet

                    Bad Intentions

                      good: wr on ursa
                      bad: playing in the minor leagues (US Servers)


                        good: strong kda on sb and bs
                        bad: sub 50 wr and weak supports and invis heroes

                        Robbo the Blind

                          Good: Slardar win rate

                          Bad: Lycan picker, Sniper picker


                            Good: Venge

                            Bad: Windrunner


                              Good : WK
                              Bad : Terrorblade ewwwwwwwww


                                Good: Likes hot salsa. I'm a fan of salsa

                                Bad: Double dips his chips in his salsa so I can have none. Please share? But don't share your germs.

                                Low Expectations

                                  Good: support player
                                  Bad: Less than 50% wr on sniper is dissapoining

                                  Robbo the Blind

                                    Good: blink on every hero
                                    Bad: Not enough mask of madness

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                                      Good: Decent Mirana player and overall winrate
                                      Bad: Seems stuck on on a small handful of heroes, expanding your hero pool could prove helpful.

                                      Low Expectations

                                        Good: Great overall KDA on most heros
                                        Bad: Should work on junglers

                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                          Good: rubick
                                          bad: almost all of your most played heroes have bad winrate

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                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Good: Silencer wr
                                            Bad: overall wr and avatar


                                              Good: Plays long runs with one hero before moving on to the next.
                                              Bad: Not one position 5 support in your top 30 most played heroes.

                                              TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                                Good: Almost only supports as most played heroes

                                                Bad: No Sven Support (would´ve loved to see that) and i can´t pronounce your name :X

                                                Solo Leveling

                                                  Good: That Phoenix
                                                  Bad : In support??

                                                  Flow ~

                                                    Good: Good with alot of heroes. :)
                                                    Bad: Storm Spirit and Timbersaw. :(

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                                                      Good: I can tell you're a Very supportive support, and there are wards everywhere!

                                                      Bad: You've only played about 60/107 heroes! There are a whole bunch that it looks like you tried once and then never played again. You've got the fundamentals down, now live a little. Variety is the spice of life!


                                                        Good : nice winrate for your top most played heroes.

                                                        Bad : Low match?


                                                          G-Undying Wins
                                                          B-Undying Losses



                                                            Good: Plays as support heroes and seems to be very decent!

                                                            Bad: Longest losing streak > Longest winning streak


                                                              Bad : Aaaah smurf

                                                              Gud : no gud thing for u


                                                                good: lycan isn't your most played hero
                                                                bad: He's coming close


                                                                  Good : Winstreak higher than losing streak (Not like me)

                                                                  Bad : Most played 2 heroes are on a downhill

                                                                  V I don't believe on 2 BF's without Naga-TB-Manta

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                                                                  Robbo the Blind

                                                                    Good: 3 blink daggers on shaman and axe
                                                                    Bad: builds crits before a second bfury on ember

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      good: good stack
                                                                      bad: ur probably lost without a stack


                                                                        good: kda
                                                                        bad: no support, even ench is played as carry lol


                                                                          good: winrate + winrate with most played
                                                                          bad: magina wr% <3

                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                            good: ur avatar is nice, mmr
                                                                            bad: EU server


                                                                              good: sb winrate
                                                                              bad: general winrate

                                                                              NextStep ®

                                                                                Good : Overall winrate

                                                                                Bad : <50% for invoker?

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  good: veteran zombie
                                                                                  bad: only 1 friend

                                                                                  Primordial Soup

                                                                                    Bad: Below 50% winrate.

                                                                                    Good: Good KDA with your most played heroes.

                                                                                    This comment was edited

                                                                                      good: great Visage winrate & KDA
                                                                                      bad: Invoker winrate

                                                                                      Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                                                                        good: abaddon win rate
                                                                                        bad: vengeful win rate


                                                                                          Good : good support player
                                                                                          Bad : Winning streak vs losing streak


                                                                                            Good: Trusted Enigma:)
                                                                                            Bad: Overall win %


                                                                                              Good : Trusted Invoker:)
                                                                                              Bad : are you invoker insta picker?



                                                                                                Well i used to be instalock voker.. but now i try some other picks also:D


                                                                                                  @Aurion btw
                                                                                                  Good: Winrate on supports are fairly good.
                                                                                                  Bad: Absolutely terrible naga.

                                                                                                  Mike Hawk

                                                                                                    Good: TA.
                                                                                                    Bad: KDAs are low.

                                                                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                                                                      VORKSNACK IS A SCAMMER, HE TRYED TO SELL ME HER SMURF ACCOUNT WHEN HE GET 5.6K MMR