General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I'm so fucking gabrage?

Why I'm so fucking gabrage? in General Discussion

    Losing pretty much every lane and getting run down. I can't tell what to play at this point because I know how useless I will be anyway

    o`hanra hanrahan

      Try to stay with one lane, and only 3-4 heros max, spam the F out of them so that you become a master at those heros, learn the meta and what the pro`s are picking and learn why those heros are good, and what heros are good for climbing and gaining MMR. Mastering one lane, and a few heros is better then being bad/mediocre at 20+ heros and at all lanes.

      Try to maintain a 50+% winrate, because that means you are getting MMR and not losing it.
      Learn from your mistakes, and generally accept you are bad the game. Adapt and learn from it.
      If all else fails (and it hurts your health by getting tilted or something) just accept it and play normals for ``fun`` or play different games.


        still stuck on legend 1 spamming tinker, ld, and meepo. and currently having losing streak. i need help




            just go to dota 2 pro tracker website, find a hero to spam then download replays there from high mmr players and copy what they do and what items they build you guys will start winning more to ancient rank at least


              Quick tip:
              - Learn to aggro, abuse aggro, always. As a core, predominantly what you need is net worth for the first 15 minutes, except you are fighting oriented hero (it is also need items)

              - Buy your wards, the return of investment from unblocking camp / blocking camp / de-warding is enormous, 50 is basically just 1 - 2 creeps, you can afford it. Do it for yourself.

              - Have fun & try to master wave cutting if you are on the trench.

              Try those 3 first.