General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's wrong with the matchmaking

what's wrong with the matchmaking in General Discussion
juneteenth enjoyer

    why are there archons in my game? I'm Legend 5, why do the macthes not seem to have balanced tier within the team (there is almost never a team full same medal vs enemy full same medal)

    also it takes YEARS to find a game, and as previously said, the matches aren't even strinctly being made so everyone has about the same mmr, it is not ok that the queue times are ~10 min long


      everybody playing Aghanims event maybe?

      anal enjoyer

        I'm guardian III and I see Herald III , II in my games (can be enemy or ally) and it's not like they are low mmr with high winrate or sth, actually they ply bad :/
        I think dota2 players are reducing or sth...


          Lesser people at low mmr?


            Maybe they que with a roll they don’t play often and have lower medal on it ?


              OP what is your behavious score ?