General Discussion

General DiscussionNew rank system calibrate

New rank system calibrate in General Discussion

    with 41% winrate I calibrated archon 4 on my core rank and archon 2 on my support with both 2k mmr I know my mmr is a trash but I think calibrating with valve's new rank system is way better than before my 1st account is a crusader 6 before valve's change their rank system.


      Best thread.


        Whut 41% and u got over herald medal =D

        I think I had 57% wins when I calibrated this account and got 384mmr

        pls someone explain this to me


          i havent played the game in 2 years, lost 9 out of 10 games calibrating. calibrated at 4150 mmr


            I will report this game! It does discriminate Cows!