General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Void back in meta?

Is Void back in meta? in General Discussion

    I noticed that void was slowly getting buffed during patches and with other carries getting nerfs, is he back to the meta? I saw getting pick a few times at high mmr pubs and he has reletavly high winrate according to dotaprotracker

    P.S. Please dont write that meta doesnt matter at my mmr and etc, im just interested in high mmr meta


      He is an okay pick, pretty safe assuming you are not trash with his ultimate. Void was too much of a glass cannon, way too easy to disable his time walk in team fights and too easy to blow up. Also very easy to bully him in lane and deny his farm with heroes like Axe and Night Stalker.

      Since he got strength buffs he has an easier time laning and getting off last second time walks that create a massive tempo swing. His ulti is an insanely powerful spell... pretty much the best ultimate in the game if used well and combo'd with something like a witch doctor or invoker. His aghs synth is incredibly good and his E amplifies the value of on hit effect items like maelstrom and MKB meaning he will farm quickly and scale well.

      I would definitely pick void if I am fearing a last pick morphling from enemy team or if they have squishy cores I can blow up like Clinkz and Weaver.