General Discussion

General Discussionim done with ranked

im done with ranked in General Discussion

    removed the phone number and i don't have any left
    so i will play unranked,collect shards and play battle cup.
    Max mmr i reached was 6775,now im 6459.,and im tilted 24/7 and i will keep on losing if i play.
    Im not good enough to reach 7k now,maybe i am good,but im not in good mindset.

    Yami Yugi

      Play arcade bro, it's super FUN!

      DotA is a war for me, I shall do it only when I'm ready


        I'm currently playing a lot of ability draft, its good fun doing something less serious


          Its healthy to take a "break" from ranked toxic shit show


            Just go buy a track phone for 15 bucks rofl.


              You lost 5 games in a row (and 1 abandon). Don't feel so bad. I recently had a patch where I played 19 games, and lost 16 of them. Now I've had a 5 win streak in a row. You get both losses and wins.