General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to get 1 fucking win

Is it possible to get 1 fucking win in General Discussion

    See thread title.


      Like how do you be PMA when there is a fucking axe on the enemy team every game, and the enemy Spirit Breaker goes 13-4-15 and your "Safe lane" Luna feeds 9 fucking kills. Impossible to carry, holy shit.


        are u crying for all pick game where nobody even try? rofl
        seems u need one win for jungle heroes, why not playing turbo?


          dont go sny first item on sniper


            You have a 53% win rate?


              Dont pick sniper?


                So crack a bottle

                Mmr bandit



                    Plays Unranked All Pick bitches about people not trying. Ez We cannot even get players to give a shit In ranked and you think they give a shit in unranked?


                      Here is a tips cap, if you are tilted vs axe and sb using snip then snip is not the hero for you, both is its hardest counter so why wont people picked it to make it ez mmr vs u


                        worry about your own game and maybe win the lane before u cry about how others play...

                        is matchmaking broken?

                          Watch my last 8 ranked matches :). I tried my best but see the k/d/a of my allies. Its over 90000000000.
                          But only the deaths i do have a lot of deaths :,but the bois with me were apes so i cannot blame em. I could have picked better heroes but again apes will be apes :)


                            stop crying

                            Old Meta

                              Just try to watch pro games and mimic their moves. And reading an article about dota 2 tips will improve you performance very well. Just like miracle did.

                              mute all

                                maybe next time try not to lose your lane??


                                  You lost your lane to a melee hero??? Nice moves man. Sniper is the type of hero you cannot get caught with. You will die if you get caught with Sniper. And you should have some escape on the dude too. Usually it is a shadow blade. You really don't need to use the invis to get a good first hit in as you are Sniper, you do enough damage without and you should save it to avoid the dangers... Also the games seem quite support lightish... A sniper safelane can sure pay off, if you have like an Ogre standing between you and the opposition and to slow and stun the enemy as well. Sniper is pretty much one of the easiest heroes to play in this game... You just sit back and right click the enemy to death. You have like 1 key to lay down the aoe damage and another to finish off people that seem to be getting away. You need to join a fight and not start one, that is when you are the hardest to locate and kill and get to do most of your damage... Patience is your friend, if you cannot hold back and have a need to go in and start fights, you should not be playing sniper, plenty of other heroes for that kind of play style.


                                    build linkens if you getting rapes by sb. Pick blood seeker instead will ya


                                      I take it back its possible to win you just need a decent team.

                                      iskinitang puke

                                        it's possbile to win you all just need to be good.