General Discussion

General DiscussionSo you can abuse mm to get matched with immortal players in ranked?

So you can abuse mm to get matched with immortal players in ranked? in General Discussion

    Just played against this guy, and looked at his dotabuff profile abit.
    It seems hes been abusing turbo and normal mm with other people doing the same thing, running bots or something?.
    And by doing so he's reaching really high hidden mmr. Take a look at his first ranked game as am, hes playing with immortal players from 2-5k eu ranked. And i thought 3500 was max you could reach. How is this possible? can someone explain?.

    dont be thrilled by this ...

      with the other same guy on enemy team each match ... seems more 1human this side and his second acc that side and 8 other bots who just afk with buying brown boots.

      ching chong scams


        This is bannable right?. I mean abusing normal and turbo to give you a hidden mmr of 6-7k mmr so you start ranked with immortal players.


          Its just the first ranked game, It's sit you in a high MMR game then fall down to your real bracket.


            sjælefredens vogter


              danernes lys


                Nordens håb


                  protector of the realm


                    Wonder how long it'll take people to figure out that you can get matched with immortal players by being good at dota.


                      and how bad being matched with immortal players is when you're actually not good at dota.


                        Cptn, yes you can. The thing is he did it by abusing matchmaking. If you actually go look at his dotabuff you can see it pretty easily.

                        Where is my Hu Tao

                          isnt it just 1 game? Before medals came out and you can see people mmr. There are often 4 people 4k and 1 guy 6k or 4 6ks and 1 random 4k group into a game. The game only cares about the combine team mmr average. Honestly uncalibrated games can go all over the place. I wouldnt think too much about it.


                            dude u literally just need 2-3 guys with high mmr on your team and queue turbo
                            my fucking team yesterday had 3 legends with just 1 divine and 1 immo and we got matched into rank 100 and rank 300 lmao