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    I won't say first, first though

    Salami in yo Mommy

      seems good

      Fan of Knives

        lol yesterday all say to tb picker like me noob and now all people say tb op with a little buf on his illusion (manacost and time illusion )


          Nothing, absolutely Nothing


            btw 322 confirmed

            stupid fuck 2000

              322 games played in Manila, memes 2 stronk


                My favorite hero, glad to see he on top! :D

                Gyatt Hunter

                  too late T_T


                    its good hero but not against aoe heros :)

                    ☪ Burnajew ☭

                      10th yaaaa
                      now I can continue my job with this lovely goat, here in my darkness stable, where nobody can hear us..

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                        Lol i started to play him patch ago. Pro players so behind :D

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                        × Aroma (Misery)

                          It was the TI6 atmosphere for Terrorblade


                            sigh, does no one proof read these articles?

                            JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                              Just one advice. You should not use the word "juggernaut" as it is the nickname of one hero. It might confuse some people readings.

                              JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                                Terroblade is really good hero for soloing. He farm so fast, and push towers down so easily. I don't know. I just don't feel him quite good in Team Fights as he is so big it is hard to control what's going on, and people tend to focuse him, as you can see him 1st, for his size. I don't know, just my thoughs xD


                                  The stellar play of the pros really does magnify his strengths, but he's far from OP. The game Loda played on TB was great, but he also had VS and Dazzle to save him a lot of times.


                                    Awesome to see my favorite hero finally come back


                                      Where's the content of the story?


                                        322 games played...hmm


                                          Terrorblade back?? He was never in the meta so it's new for him lul


                                            Any way to see stats for games with TB and DP together?

                                            the Goat

                                              im gonna kill myself if terrorblade is going to be nerfed next patch


                                                Terrorblade easily counterable by strong doublehard lane, also he cant really comeback so much in midgame, so i just dont get why he have such high WR in 5k+ games.

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                                                ™ Chrollo Babiding ‡

                                                  @im done obviously u are low mmr thats why u dont get the strength of TB this patch.

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                                                    Still flawless with him


                                                      I love Terrorblade, the only time i have a problem when playing him is when the people run away when i try to hit them. It is hard to harras him in lane because of his high armor and after about 7 minutes in lane i hit the jungle a bit then come back and take towers.


                                                        never liked Terrorblade


                                                          so fast in farming , can take jungle and line in one time just like alchemist
                                                          terrorblade is awesome

                                                          basira berahmsh

                                                            русские где вы


                                                              Just pick doom and say to him: "YOU ARE DOOOOMEEED!!!"

                                                              vril maxxer

                                                                He is easily countered


                                                                  Watching the pros recently Tb really only seems strong when his team is even or ahead. He needs some space and seems to struggle in earlier teamfights because he just doesn't do much other than stand there and right click and early he just doesn't have the hp pool to do that. I don't play tb so maybe I'm wrong but I just get the feeling that he's not a hero that plays well from behind.

                                                                  ibrahim el abyd

                                                                    The first hero I played in dota 2 and my favorite


                                                                      Hahaahaha No One Notice Slark IS Now OP Hero :D


                                                                        i have been using this hero a lot since 6.86, my 3rd most played hero and my 1st highest win rate hero in 100 or more played games. this new meta helps but the reality is once you've learned how to play this hero, he's very hard to deal with. yes he has very low hp early game a clear weakness for tb, but every hero has its own weakness, you just have to know what to do and whats not. once you figure it out on Tb, he is a 1 demon army.

                                                                        Leeroy Jenkin

                                                                          next patch iceberg will neft dragon lance and manta for sure no need to next tb :v


                                                                            GG NAVI FTW