General Discussion

General Discussiondaily reminder doom is the new lesh

daily reminder doom is the new lesh in General Discussion

    ck wk alch go

    the realm's delight

      i mean alchs good if ure fortunate enough to get ur ult off before u get doomed. but even then u cant do much unless ur team is heavily leading. wk just gets raped in lane and ck what does it do

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        the realm's delight

          whats that


            wk and ck are safe laners with stuns so it puts quite alot of pressure on offlane dooms i feel? and offlane doom is semi greedy i wud tihnk
            after laning stage wks definitely good, mid/late if ck gets phantasm off he can take off a huge chunk of dooms health and you cant just doom him on sight then, even if u doom him before he gets ulti off he can just run away with his high base ms + whatever ms item he builds etc

            i mean thats how i think it goes in theory, i havent laned against any offlane doom yet since i havent touched my main in ages

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              the realm's delight

                got better ping on use
                valves at it again nicE
                forced to play eue 4,6k avg games lets go
                actually 4,9 alright

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                  doom was always good shit ass thread tbh fam

                  the realm's delight

                    he was shit last patch and 2 patches ago and 3 patches ago fam


                      WHAT LOL. He was good @ ti4 and after that patch he was the most trashcan shit he could ever be till now.

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I don't understand how he is suddenly OP. The change starts making a difference at level 3 and 4 and by then the laning stage is mostly over.

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                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            An Ember won't really get doomed unless he has terribly slow reactions. But this is just the case of people remembering that a hero exists and then realizing he was never that bad. His ulti has always been annoying.

                            the realm's delight

                              he wont get doomed while split pushing most likely because you expect it but its pretty hard to avoid it while pushing hg or maybe even when defending hg if u dont have linkens

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                                u are supposed to get some blink or sb on doom when pkaying against am/ember/qop/puck etc. even tho if u expect doom coming with blink, it will be rather ez to dodge him (cz ember ulty has no casting time, while Doom is relatively slow), in a teamfight when u have to focus on a lot of other stuff you can be not able to react fast emough. ping is a huge issue, too.

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                                  I think we're gonna see razor a lot more.

                                  the realm's delight

                                    Everyone who says doom is balanced is sub 6k mmr and bad at dota. Im sure ANY decent dota player would agree that doom is a ridiculous pub hero.

                                    EDIT: not that 6k mmr players are good, they are mostly also awful

                                    straight off nadota

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                                        Thats why you eat a centaur vs ember.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          wr way more op. and doom cus he isnt' a mid of safelane usually means you have a 50/50 shot of having retards in those lanes.

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                                            Dire Wolf

                                              idk i keep having good doom games and losing cus our safe lane gets absolutely raped or carries get picked off late it's sad.


                                                Thanks. Real number is prolly 3 times that.
                                                Also lesh still works guys, albeit not as flawlessly as before but its still very potent.

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                                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                    WR seems strong but can't bring myself to play her, top 5 most boring fucking hero in dota for me

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                                                        doom has been a annoying hero in every patch lol. is he strong? Yes. Is he OP? Nah. Just depends on how you use it.


                                                          Can someone more experienced tell me why Doom is so good offlane as opposed to jungle? I mean I get that he has crazy survivability with scorched earth, but he might face a tough dual or tri lane and not have access to the enemy jungle. Not benefiting from Devour early on seems like a big deal to me.


                                                            you still kinda max out lightening, thats your farm tool early on. watched rtz play lesh recently, went ham just the same. lightening is a whole level nerfed and then some but once you get your items hero is still as retarded.

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                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              wr is far from being lesh.

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                u dont even need centaur vs ember


                                                                  ^ what the fuck

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                                                                    OMFG THAT FUCKING RANGE OP SON OF A BITCH


                                                                      Aghs doom should be global.

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        Leshrac is still strong, even with the blood stone and lightning nerf, everything else he has is still in tact.

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          does wr have a camel toe?


                                                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              guys whats a fun support to play fast tell me




                                                                                  pos 4 zeus is fun too

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    OP has no games on record in 6.85 against doom..........

                                                                                    the realm's delight


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                                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                        Side note I've always thought doom was far to idiot proof. The fact this guy is in games right now as a 1 position is pathetic.

                                                                                        Would like to see the devour that gives the aura passive crit nerfed as a start.