General Discussion

General Discussionhuskar with solar crest

huskar with solar crest in General Discussion

    is pretty strong yep.

    +30% evasion on yourself.
    +10 armour.

    you cast on enemy then lifebreak for another

    30% miss chance.
    -10 armour.

    (total 50% evasion, 20 armour difference)

    all for 3000g.

    it's like 5000 EHP at lvl 16 or some shit.

    of course mkb breaks, but huskar was never meant to go late game. and until solar crest becomes standard on huskar, people will hopefully not preemptively build mkb on you.


      You lose evasion and armor, when you cast it on someone. =)

      Miku Plays

        legion still rekts huskar



          True, but Life Break removes debuffs:

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            You have to lastpick Huskar or someone just picks Axe and you done.

            Didn't know that.

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              He doesn't do that much physical damage anyway, his damage mostly comes from spears. I still think Halberd is better, if you want evasion that is.


                halberd is way more expensive though and gives you less EHP (though it does give you more dmg)


                it depends on the game. last game i just played a legion. you can't disarm her so solar crest was the way.


                  have you considered blademail on him? whenever I play huskar i tend to think blademail would be nice since life break + blademail and you're forcing them to die faster or run away, although i kinda imagine it's ain't really good for high damage nukers like lion when they use it and your resistance is 90+%

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    The thing is, someone else can use solar crest on you and you will get the same value.


                      why wud u buy this over halberd lol


                        Who says Huskar was not meant for late game, I bet you haven't experienced that op crap pick up a "Satanic" / "Black King Bar" / "Daedalus" yet. He assfuck everything he sees.


                          yeah but who is going to buy it

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            It sounds like a good option when facing physical carries who go early bkb at least. Your spears and ult do basically nothing to magic immunity while physical damage makes you melt.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Any support? It's a very good item and a good followup to Medallion which is something every team must have at least one of anyway.


                                @Fuck SWAG
                                Any hero with Satanic, BKB and Daedalus can do that and some can do it better than Huskar.


                                  i think ult purges solar crest debuff

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                                    latd game he's still a good manfighter but unlike void & troll duznt hav bash and can't buy bash like ls, ursa, wk can, so hes just meh late game. Last pick him against a magic-heavy enemy team tho, and hes golden

                                    as for solar crest, not a bad idea, but betr if supports make it so u can rush that dominator, armlet and AC as fast as possible. AC and dom are must havs on husk i think, later satanic too

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                                    Dire Wolf

                                      "It sounds like a good option when facing physical carries who go early bkb at least. Your spears and ult do basically nothing to magic immunity while physical damage makes you melt."

                                      It doesn't go through bkb I'm pretty sure so you'd only get the defensive values.


                                        @Sam it's expensive for supports to buy and you want it early. And you can only have the "double" values if you buy it yourself.

                                        For everyone who didn't read... YES you can lifebreak purge the debuff giving yourself essentially double values in a 1v1.


                                          6 sloted huskar is fucking terrifying

                                          early game huskar is terrifying

                                          mid game meh ez

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Yes I got you can dispel yourself but I don't think you can apply the effect on an bkb'd target.


                                              Actually, it's rather, early game huskar suck, mid game he rox, late game still terriifying (unless you have really huge right click ofc)

                                              game is bad

                                                pick dazzle win game


                                                  SC seems solid on huskar, must try :D


                                                    Good finding/sharing. But I always thought armlet is core on huskar.

                                                    Does BKB dispel SC?



                                                      Medallion debuff pierces magic immunity but becoming magic immune gets rid of it