General Discussion

General DiscussionTop few Invoker players

Top few Invoker players in General Discussion

    Can any plus members PLEASE Dotabuff link me to the top Invoker players out there? I am trying to focus on becoming a better Invoker player and would like to learn from the best :D

    Thanks in advance!


      The best Invoker players are probably Dendi, iceiceice and Ferrari_430.


        Thanks man!


          you have a very weird invoker item build. Invoker players like iceiceice, dendi, etc, build invoker as a nuker/caster not a dps carry; so there's no point "learning" from them if you have a completely different playstyle/build.

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            force staff + necro is always good, but desolator?


              ^Gideon is good

              Cook is another player you can watch:


                Cooks Invoker is better than most PRO players.

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                  @shandoodle @satellizer I was using Grimourium's in game build for the Necro, so I thought why not try adding in an AC and Deso to stack with the forge spirit's armor reduction. It did work like a charm, but that's why I asked for this advice. I know it is not the best build, I can't seem to get the QW caster build to work nicely in my practice games...

                  and thanks Carl, at least I can download this guy's replays :)


                    thanks @terrible and @親和性 '

                    more stuff to watch ^^


                      Grim is extremely over rated.


                        QW-voker is really fun! I always build phase, (drums and force depends on what i need first) after that agah, then if it's a easy game i go s&y else i go hex if needed after that skadi is nice.

                        Sometimes mkb/crit is needed, super fun :Z

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                          @親和性 ' yeah yeah I don't want to get into a debate about him ^^ I have heard all about the rumours and things, all I know is he has a nice detailed guide in game that I like to follow!

                          @1315 Those easy games where you go hard carry are so much lulzy fun :D but they have their time and place. I NEED to learn the caster build :/


                            Can anyone maybe shine light on when it is better to go QW or QE. I heard if they have a lot of mana dependent heroes like ES and Tiny it is a good idea to go QW, but not if there is a Pugna or too many arcane boots. Thoughts?


                              There is no debate about Grim being over rated, it's a fact.

                              Cooks Invoker gameplay:

                              Grims over-edited mediocre gameplay:


                                Havn't seen that Cooks vid yet, downloading it now, thanks :D


                                  Just watch his games, he is the real deal. Don't even need to watch a highlight reel, and if you are looking to actually learn the hero (instead of getting motivated to learn the hero), then watching his games will be much more useful.


                                    Dendi one of the best invoker?? hahahahhaha nice joke , the other day he play invoker against alliance and build (in a draft without carry) quax-wex and then build euls o.O lol
                                    Cook is the best


                                      Ha ha yeah, Dendi is like real bad. Let's all laugh at him because he so bad innit lol ha ha ha ha mmmf gruuurrrr argggghhhh pffffft.

                                      positive influence

                                        s4 is the most calculated and precise invoker i've seen,don't have actual replays but yeah...
                                        i randomly came across his stream,he was playing invoker.unlike any other player he seemed to be so relaxed,and very very calculated,everything he did,he did for a reason and with a reason,no risks,no stupid stuff.


                                          Thanks for everyone's input :D Love the community <3 I watched Cook's reel and all I can say is wow..... lol


                                            I admire Grimorum's Youtube video editing skills


                                              Ferrari's Invoker is likely the best and definitely better than Cook. Although Cook is perhaps the flashiest invoker player, he makes plenty of mistakes and wastes a ton of spells. Ferrari isn't as flashy, but he is supremely effective, fast, and makes good decisions with positioning. I must say though, Cook has a lot of potential, but he is definitely not consistently as good as Ferrari.

                                              Dendi and Iceiceice are amazing Dota players, but their Invoker are not as good.

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                                                I notice that iceiceice does tend to waste spells alot and spends to much time farming while always rushing midas (which is good in some games) but i dont see him do anything but the eul+meatball+ss+blast combo when its a 1 on 1 encounter. alacrity or forge spirits + coldsnap or icewall should be enough.

                                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                    cook is the guy who made this video


                                                      ^ really? wow. I liked that video so much more than grimorum's. Does cook have any other invoker vids?


                                                          Shut the fuck up and suck my dick Ming <3


                                                            best invoker atm dl replays and see


                                                              Ferrari = Effective Invoker
                                                              Cook = Flashy, but not as effective Invoker

                                                              If you want to win, learn from the right player.

                                                              0r G

                                                                I prefer Cook to Ferrari, possibly because I play more like Cook's style

                                                                positive influence

                                                                  that reflects your winrate xd



                                                                    vulcan is also very good ----


                                                                      Non of the pro players nor the top Invokers on dotabuff play invoker like at all.
                                                                      Theres a huge difference in being Good dota player and good invoker.
                                                                      Having or playing with a goodteam that understands invoker is also one of the biggest factors

                                                                      Something you dont want to do is look at progamers and see what they do as this will be to hard to understand.
                                                                      goes to say about kinda any hero or item build but is especially true with invoker.

                                                                      If anything checkout grims videos guides to get a basic understanding of the hero.
                                                                      After that go try difference builds vs difference laneups and then try difference itembuilds.

                                                                      Maximun Brain Damage

                                                                        Invoker has lot of different play style. Depend on which style you play.
                                                                        DPS = Alarcity + Cold Snap
                                                                        Summon = Forge + cold + necro book
                                                                        Wex Quas = Cold Snap, Tornado, Emp
                                                                        Extort = Meteor, Sun Strike, Deafening Blast
                                                                        Balanced = Depend, Utility
                                                                        Troller = Ghost walk + Radiance ( Not recommended unless you are so fucking good in can troll enemy :D )

                                                                        I am a invoker player and i tried every single build before especially the trolling build LMAO


                                                                          Please look at my profile ? :D


                                                                            I am a Na'Vi fan, but even I admit that Icex3 is the best invoker I have seen so far. His timing is close to perfect, spell and item choices versatile.


                                                                              I would recommend checking out the style of invoker I play, since I don't know of other invokers I cannot telll whether this is similar to someone better - But I've had plenty of succes with this style and if you want to I can give some pointers :)

                                                                                Kamihara Ayuha

                                                                                  maybe Grimorum was the best Invoker ever ...
                                                                                  he stop share his match history because he was stressful to maintain 80% win rate with 10.4 KDA. Now he can play for fun ..
                                                                                  Just download his video on Youtube.. Raging Fury..


                                                                                    im not dissing grimorum he is a skilled invoker player but do you even know how he got that kda? all he did was spam sunstrikes and avoid team fights, he was abusing euls + meteor+qwe blast before it became a popular meta


                                                                                      Actually, half my games in that period were w/q. Even when I went E/Q, I did not use Eul that often.


                                                                                        sorry i was thinking of somebody else, can you enable mmr sharing again? or did your kda go down tremendously now

                                                                                        Don John Jr

                                                                                          so grim, what's your mmr? please enlighten us!


                                                                                            @so grim, what's your mmr? please enlighten us!

                                                                                            yes yes grim what? and if you are ever interested in a 1v1 with invoker im always open

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                                                                                              KDA is around 7 now. Win rate has gone up because 6.79 invoker is much better than 6.78.
                                                                                              The only mmr I am interested in is solo queue against other solo queue, but that is not possible anymore.
                                                                                              Therefore, I do not have a MMR at all. When DBR was available, I was 2250 playing solo most of the time.

                                                                                              I will likely make my profile public again, but not soon.


                                                                                                only watched
                                                                                                grimorum/cook/iceiceice/gideon before lol

                                                                                                Don John Jr

                                                                                                  holy how do you keep track of your kda without using dotabuff? please teach me!


                                                                                                    2250 MMR? That is sooooooooo freaking low. Zzz. Im not that good but Im at 4300 and Im also an Invoker user.

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                                                                                                      I said DBR not MMR.
                                                                                                      Top ten DBR was around 2500 and they stacked all the time. I was 2250 DBR playing solo.